Tägliche Drohnen-Nachrichten - Mittwoch, 30. September 2020

Here are today’s most important drone news articles. We publish this post every weekday at 5:30 p.m. Some of these stories are from DroneXL.co and some of them will be from other sources. If you’d like to receive this in an email going forward, be sure to subscribe using the form below.
Drone news from DroneXL.co
Professionelle DJI-Drohne mit Wärmekamera bringt Wanderer in Sicherheit – A professional DJI drone with a FLIR Systems thermal camera guides a fallen hiker back to safety in the dark. The man got stranded early Tuesday morning but was able to call 911 to ask for help.
Freefly und Auterion kündigen die Veröffentlichung der Astro-Drohne an – FreeFly Systeme und Auterion announce the release of the Astro drone, providing customers with the most versatile enterprise drone solution available.
Best Buy reveals DJI Ronin RS2 and RSC2 photos and price – Best Buy does it again. Two years ago they sold the DJI Osmo Pocket before that actual launch date. Today they briefly showed the new DJI Ronin RS2 and RSC2 handheld gimbal stabilizers on their website.
EagleView and Skydio enter into an exclusive partnership – EagleView recently announced an exclusive property inspection partnership with Skydio for automated residential roof inspection with drones. It forms a part of a multi-year, multi-million-dollar exclusive partnership to deliver Skydio House Scan™ to several major country markets. The partnership is expected to present the power of precision Drohnen-Technologie and AI to insurance carriers, claims adjusters, and government bodies which is expected to result in one of the largest ever commercial drone deployments with thousands of units deployed.
Drone delivery startup Zipline is looking for a systems engineer – Drone delivery startup, Zipline is looking to expand its team and one of the openings that is currently available is the position of a systems engineer. sounds interesting to you? Well, keep reading! Btw – Zipline is one of, if not the coolest drone delivery company you could be working for. These guys have an outstanding track record of making more than 62,000 deliveries in Countries like Rwanda in Africa and they have recently begun testing in the US.
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Other drone news
- Landmark waiver lets drones fly into fire
- U.K. Mounts Shotguns On Drone For Urban Battles
- UIC receives $8M Army Research Laboratory grant for drone fuel sensor research
- Using a drone to plant cover crops
- How to make the best use of your drone data: Be prepared for it
- County approves drone technology
- UIC receives $8 million Army Research Laboratory grant for drone fuel sensor research
- Canadian Armenian community demands ban on military drone tech exports to Turkey
- Drones Can Reforest The Planet Faster Than Humans Can
- Shotgun-wielding indoor drone could enter places too dangerous for human troops
- Watch Firefly Aerospace test-fire its Alpha rocket in this stunning drone video
- Alex Jones smashes drone with sword during Amazon rant
- Oklahoma college takes COVID-19 fight to the air with use of drones for disinfectant spray
- Networked Drones: The U.S. Army’s Next Super Weapon?
- Using drones to better predict urban flooding
- A closer look at mystery lights along I-75 near Holly
- It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s a jet suit medic!
Drones on Youtube

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Die vorgeschlagene Gesetzgebung bedroht die Möglichkeit, Drohnen zum Vergnügen, zur Arbeit und zur Sicherheit zu nutzen. Die Allianz der Drohnen-Befürworter Schließen Sie sich uns an und fordern Sie Ihre gewählten Vertreter auf, Ihr Recht auf Fliegen zu schützen.
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