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Pentagon Ai-Powered Kamikaze Drones

The Pentagon turns to AI-powered kamikaze drones

The Pentagon has announced a new $8.8 million contract with Israeli company XTEND that will see the department acquire Precision Strike Indoor & Outdoor (PSIO) drones for combat teams in the field. The U.S. Department of Defense‘s Irregular Warfare Technical…

Dji Enterprise Teases New Matrice 4 E/T Launch For January 8 5

DJI Enterprise Teases New Matrice 4 E/T Launch for January 8

DJI Enterprise is poised to unveil its next-generation commercial drone platform, with strong indicators pointing to the new Matrice 4 Enterprise/Thermal series. The company’s social media announcement, featuring the tagline “The Age of Intelligent Flight,” teased the launch for January…

Near Earth Autonomy Develops Aircraft Inspection By Drone

Near Earth Autonomy develops aircraft inspection by drone

A small business out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has developed a time-saving drone-based solution for conducting pre-flight inspections of commercial airliners with the help of NASA and The Boeing Company. Aircraft inspection drones Before each flight, airliners are required to undergo…


La legislación propuesta amenaza su capacidad de utilizar drones por diversión, trabajo y seguridad. El sitio Alianza para la defensa de los drones Únase a nosotros y pida a sus cargos electos que protejan su derecho a volar.

Alianza para la defensa de los drones
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Obtenga su certificado Parte 107

Pass the Part 107 test and take to the skies with the Instituto Piloto. Hemos ayudado a miles de personas a convertirse en pilotos de aviones y drones comerciales. Nuestros cursos están diseñados por expertos de la industria para ayudarle a pasar las pruebas de la FAA y alcanzar sus sueños.

instituto piloto dronexl

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