Skydio X2

Long Beach volará alto con un dron de búsqueda y rescate Skydio X2 de $15.000

Long Beach volará alto con el dron térmico Skydio X2 $15.000

Con el objetivo de mejorar sus operaciones de búsqueda y rescate, la ciudad de Long Beach (Nueva Jersey) ha solicitado una subvención para adquirir un sistema de aeronaves no tripuladas, concretamente un dron Skydio X2 Thermal de $15.000 euros. A raíz de la preocupación de la comunidad...

What’s Going On, Guys? Billy Here. Yesterday, Skydio Finally Released Its Skydio Dock For Truly Remote Drone Operations.

Skydio Dock First Look – Powerful Remote Operations

What’s going on, guys? Billy here. Yesterday, Skydio finally released its Skydio Dock for truly remote drone operations. If you remember, Skydio initially unveiled their dock about two and a half years ago, and that initial prototype was a tiny…

Skydio Dock Launched For Remote Drone Operations 4

Skydio Dock launched for Remote Drone Operations

Today, Skydio launched its new Skydio Dock, specifically for remote drone operations. The California-based drone manufacturer says that the Skydio Dock lives on-site so that you don’t have to! The Skydio Dock comes in two versions, the 72-pound Skydio Dock…
