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Part 107 Commercial Drone License Course Pilot Institute Dronexl Drone News Daily

Drone News – Fri Jun 5, 2020

Here are today’s most important drone news articles. We publish this post every weekday at 5:30 p.m. Some of these stories are from and some of them will be from other sources. If you’d like to receive this in an… Drone News Daily

Drone News – Thu Jun 4, 2020

Here are the most important drone news articles from Thursday, June 4, 2020. Today, there are fewer articles on the site as I was busy flying the P4P, M2P, and the EVO II Pro. More on that later. The new…

Ces 2021 Planned As An In-Person Event

CES 2021 planned as an in-person event

CES 2021, which is scheduled to take place from January 6-9 in Las Vegas, is still planned as an in-person event for next year. Despite many other major events and conferences having been canceled and moved online because of Coronavirus… Drone News Daily

Drone News – Wed Jun 3, 2020

Here are the most important drone news articles from Wednesday, June 3, 2020. Today we have news on a new DJI partnership, another humpback whale, a drone in Washington, D.C., and more. So check it out. We publish this post…


La legislación propuesta amenaza su capacidad de utilizar drones por diversión, trabajo y seguridad. El sitio Alianza para la defensa de los drones Únase a nosotros y pida a sus cargos electos que protejan su derecho a volar.

Alianza para la defensa de los drones
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Obtenga su certificado Parte 107

Pass the Part 107 test and take to the skies with the Instituto Piloto. Hemos ayudado a miles de personas a convertirse en pilotos de aviones y drones comerciales. Nuestros cursos están diseñados por expertos de la industria para ayudarle a pasar las pruebas de la FAA y alcanzar sus sueños.

instituto piloto dronexl

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