Tired of waiting on Amazon, Youtuber starts own drone delivery service with DJI Mavic 2 Pro

This guy is clearly tired of waiting on Amazon, and probably the Federal Aviation Administration, so he decides to start his own drone-toimituspalvelu to bring food through UberEATS to customers with a DJI Mavic 2 Pro.

Youtuber starts own drone delivery service with DJI Mavic 2 Pro

On Youtube he says:

I made a video a while ago about how I went broke delivering for UberEATS, so I decided to come up with a better way of delivering.

Eventhough, the Youtuber Elixir is likely not in compliance with many of the FAA rules that come into play when delivering food by drone, his frustration with drone delivery service not being part of our lives is understandable.

YouTube video

Back in 2013, Jeff Bezos famously said that drone delivery services would be routine in a matter of years and as we all know they are not.

Especially in these times, where the coronavirus makes human contact potentially dangerous and contact-less services are considered to be the preferred method, a drone delivery service would make a lot of sense.

In the video, Elixir is using UberEATS orders that he, after checking with the customer, delivers with his DJI Mavic 2 Pro.

Tired Of Waiting On Amazon, Youtuber Starts Own Drone Delivery Service With Dji Mavic 2 Pro 1

Meanwhile Uber itself has been working on making deliveries by drone a reality. Last year Uber Elevate Head of Flight Operations Luke Fischer said in a statement that:

“We’ve been working closely with the FAA to ensure that we’re meeting requirements and prioritizing safety. “From there, our goal is to expand Uber Eats drone delivery so we can provide more options to more people at the tap of a button. We believe that Uber is uniquely positioned to take on this challenge as we’re able to leverage the Uber Eats network of restaurant partners and delivery partners as well as the aviation experience and technology of Uber Elevate. We don’t need to get the drone direct to our customers or consumers. We just have to get it close enough.”

Tired Of Waiting On Amazon, Youtuber Starts Own Drone Delivery Service With Dji Mavic 2 Pro 2

Let us know what you think of this video and de drone delivery service in the comments below. And, in this article you can read how you can legally run a drone delivery service under your , which is a lot easier to obtain than the that UPS used to launch their deliveries by drone.

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Ehdotettu lainsäädäntö uhkaa mahdollisuuksiasi käyttää droneja huvin, työn ja turvallisuuden vuoksi. . Drone Advocacy Alliance taistelee varmistaakseen, että äänesi kuuluu näissä kriittisissä poliittisissa keskusteluissa.Liity meihin ja kerro vaaleilla valituille edustajille, että heidän on suojeltava oikeuttasi lentää.

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Läpäise testi ja nouse taivaalle yhdessä Pilotti-instituutti. Olemme auttaneet tuhansia ihmisiä tulemaan lentokoneiden ja kaupallisten lennokkien lentäjiksi. Alan asiantuntijat ovat suunnitelleet kurssimme, jotta voit läpäistä FAA-kokeet ja saavuttaa unelmasi.

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Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo on pääkirjoitustoimittaja ja perustaja DroneXL.co, jossa hän kattaa kaikki droneihin liittyvät uutiset, DJI-huhut ja kirjoittaa drone-arvosteluja, ja EVXL.co, kaikki sähköajoneuvoihin liittyvät uutiset. Hän on myös toinen isäntä PiXL Drone Show YouTubessa ja muilla podcast-alustoilla. Hayen tavoittaa osoitteesta haye @ dronexl.co tai @hayekesteloo.

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