Senate Amendment Proposes Inclusion of Countering CCP Drones Act in NDAA

The ongoing debate surrounding Chinese-made drones in the U.S. has taken a new turn. According to a tweet by Scott Shtofman, a bipartisan amendment has been submitted to include the in the Senate’s version of the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The Amendment’s Significance

While the House version of the NDAA already includes the Countering CCP Drones Act, the Senate’s initial draft did not. This amendment, if accepted, could align both chambers’ versions of the bill.

“I’ve seen people saying that Countering CCP Drones was not included in the FY25 Senate NDAA, but a bipartisan amendment containing the language was submitted,” Shtofman stated in his tweet.

Potential Implications

If passed, the Countering CCP Drones Act could have far-reaching consequences:

  1. DJI, a leading Chinese drone manufacturer, might be added to the FCC’s “Covered List,” restricting its U.S. operations.
  2. Existing DJI drone fleets could face grounding, affecting various sectors including public safety and agriculture.
  3. The U.S. might experience significant disruptions, potentially slowing innovation and increasing costs.

Opposition and Concerns

The proposed legislation has faced pushback from various quarters:

  • Over 6,000 public safety agencies have urged the Senate to oppose the act.
  • In alone, the estimated cost of replacing DJI drones is around $200 million.
  • Critics argue that the act could reduce competition in the U.S. drone market, affecting pricing and innovation.

The Road Ahead

For the Countering CCP Drones Act to become law, it must clear several hurdles:

  1. Senate consideration
  2. Conference committee negotiations
  3. Agreement on a final version
  4. Passage by both chambers
  5. Presidential signature

The coming months will be crucial in determining the fate of this controversial legislation.

DroneXL’s Take

The proposed inclusion of the Countering CCP Drones Act in the Senate NDAA highlights the ongoing tension between national security concerns and the practical realities of the drone industry. While the act aims to address potential security risks, its implementation could significantly disrupt various sectors that rely heavily on Chinese-made drones.

As the debate continues, it’s crucial to consider the balance between security measures and maintaining a competitive, innovative drone market. The potential grounding of thousands of drones used in public safety, agriculture, and commercial operations could have unintended consequences that may outweigh the perceived security benefits.

At DroneXL, we’ll continue to monitor this developing situation closely, providing updates as the legislative process unfolds.

If you want to make your voice heard then head over to the Drone Advocacy Alliance to reach out to your state politicians.

Full disclosure, DroneXL has joined the Drone Advocacy Alliance.

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Ehdotettu lainsäädäntö uhkaa mahdollisuuksiasi käyttää droneja huvin, työn ja turvallisuuden vuoksi. . Drone Advocacy Alliance taistelee varmistaakseen, että äänesi kuuluu näissä kriittisissä poliittisissa keskusteluissa.Liity meihin ja kerro vaaleilla valituille edustajille, että heidän on suojeltava oikeuttasi lentää.

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo on pääkirjoitustoimittaja ja perustaja, jossa hän kattaa kaikki droneihin liittyvät uutiset, DJI-huhut ja kirjoittaa drone-arvosteluja, ja, kaikki sähköajoneuvoihin liittyvät uutiset. Hän on myös toinen isäntä PiXL Drone Show YouTubessa ja muilla podcast-alustoilla. Hayen tavoittaa osoitteesta haye @ tai @hayekesteloo.

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