Pilot Institute Launches Premium Drone Community

It’s time to introduce something new and exciting. I’m proud to announce the launch of the Premium Drone Community. Pilotti-instituutti offers many great courses: , photography, videography, mapping, real estate, business, to name just a few. Once you learn those skills, how do you get to work? How do you turn that into a business? Well, that’s the question we get asked the most, and the Premium Drone Community is the answer to that question.

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Pilot Institute’s Mission

The overall mission of is to help people achieve their aviation dreams. Over 99% of Pilotti-instituutti students pass their Part 107 exam on the first try, and we’re proud of that. But the journey doesn’t really stop there. If you want to learn cinematography, mapping, real estate, or , we have courses for all of those. Our team will continue to put out all of these courses to hone your skills, and that’s not going anywhere.

What is the Premium Drone Community?

The Premium Drone Community is a place to learn how to use those skills to get paid work and, when you’re ready, start a business of your own. We want to help you be successful and fly commercially, whether it’s part-time or as a career.

In the Premium Community, we are releasing ongoing content every month from working industry professionals. We cover every subject with insight on how to break into any field that you’re interested in. And we’re not talking about just a recorded Zoom call with a few folks here – we fly experts to our studio for professional recording quality.

Expert Instructors and Topics Covered

If your dream is cinematography, we have guest instructors who’ve worked for feature films, Netflix, , music videos, and high-end commercials. If real estate is your passion, we have instructors who can teach you how to make a living like they do. Mapping, surveying, and modeling are also covered. We have successful business owners who manage multiple teams and will tell you how they’ve made their dream a reality.

The content covers:

  • Pricing your services
  • Which drone to start with and which one to upgrade to
  • How to start a business
  • How to handle financials
  • Skills you need to practice and master
  • How to work with clients
  • How to manage employees
  • How to market your product
  • And much more

These are the classes and workshops that you’re going to use to master your craft. Bottom line: our goal is to help you succeed.

Additional Premium Features

If you’re a fan of our weekly news update but long for more in-depth analysis, the Premium Community members have access to our Post-Flight Show. There, Jason, Ben, and myself discuss all the current topics in more depth, including personal opinions that we don’t include in the shorter news update.

Of course, we’re still committed to bringing you the same free content on YouTube and the same high-quality free and paid courses that you’ve come to know and love. You also get access to exclusive discounts, live meetings with subject matter experts, and early access to courses.

Community Interaction

This is a space where you can ask questions, get feedback, and also suggest future content that we can tailor to you and your personal experience. We’re making this page for you – the working Part 107 pilots, those that are looking for work, or anyone that wants to expand their skills and their knowledge.

The Three Steps to Success

  1. Part 107 certification
  2. Learning an industry skill
  3. Premium Drone Community: taking that skill to the next level and putting it to good use

How to Join

If you’ve taken any Pilotti-instituutti courses, free or paid, you already have access to the community for free. If you haven’t joined yet, head over to community.pilotinstitute.com. You’ll find over 40,000 colleagues waiting to welcome you. Then, have a look at the premium version, and if you have the drive, you’ll discover the value that it offers.

I look forward to seeing you there!

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Ehdotettu lainsäädäntö uhkaa mahdollisuuksiasi käyttää droneja huvin, työn ja turvallisuuden vuoksi. . Drone Advocacy Alliance taistelee varmistaakseen, että äänesi kuuluu näissä kriittisissä poliittisissa keskusteluissa.Liity meihin ja kerro vaaleilla valituille edustajille, että heidän on suojeltava oikeuttasi lentää.

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Hanki osan 107 mukainen lupakirja

Läpäise testi ja nouse taivaalle yhdessä Pilotti-instituutti. Olemme auttaneet tuhansia ihmisiä tulemaan lentokoneiden ja kaupallisten lennokkien lentäjiksi. Alan asiantuntijat ovat suunnitelleet kurssimme, jotta voit läpäistä FAA-kokeet ja saavuttaa unelmasi.

pilotti-instituutti dronexl

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Greg Reverdiau
Greg Reverdiau
Articles: 104


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