NYPD Pushes for Authority to Control Drones Amid Terrorism Threats

The NYPD is ramping up its efforts to gain the authority to control unmanned drones, as the threat of drone-based terrorism looms large over cities like . With drones becoming increasingly common, the NYPD is pushing for the ability to take control of these devices before they can cause harm, reports ABC7NY.

The Growing Threat of Drones

Drones, both big and small, are becoming a significant concern for counter-terrorism efforts in large cities.

The NYPD’s Counterterrorism Deputy Commissioner, Rebecca Weiner, emphasized the potential danger, stating, “A drone big or small, even with a modest payload, in an area with the urban density of New York City, you have a gigantic problem on your hands.”

Nypd Pushes For Authority To Control Drones Amid Terrorism Threats
NYPD Pushes for Authority to Control Drones Amid Terrorism Threats

This concern is not unfounded. Earlier this year, an unmanned drone launched from Yemen into Tel Aviv reportedly killed a man in his sleep. The drone, equipped with a modest payload of explosives, slipped through ‘s defenses, highlighting the vulnerabilities that drones can exploit.

NYPD’s Current Capabilities

The NYPD has a robust network of detectors that can pinpoint the location of any unpermitted drone and its operator. They also possess technology to take control of a drone and redirect it away from crowds. However, current federal laws prevent local from using this technology, leaving them powerless to defend against drone threats.

Nypd Pushes For Authority To Control Drones Amid Terrorism Threats
NYPD Pushes for Authority to Control Drones Amid Terrorism Threats

Weiner and the NYPD have been lobbying for the right to take control of unmanned drones before they can cause damage.

“Our desire is to open that up and to make sure we have the capability – the authority before the incident happens, we’re not just responding to the calamity,” Weiner said.

The Need for Federal Action

Kaz Daughtry, Deputy Commissioner of NYPD Operations, echoed Weiner’s sentiments.

“God forbid if we see a hostile drone our command center will spot it, and we should be able to have that ability to take that drone down immediately from our command center,” he said.

However, only specialized teams of federal agents currently have the authority to take control of suspicious drones and force them to land. These teams are present during high-profile events like the United Nations General Assembly, but they leave once the events conclude, leaving the NYPD to fend for itself.

Nypd Pushes For Authority To Control Drones Amid Terrorism Threats
NYPD Pushes for Authority to Control Drones Amid Terrorism Threats

DroneXL’s Take

The NYPD’s push for greater authority over drones highlights the evolving landscape of and its potential misuse. As drones become more integrated into our daily lives, it’s crucial for law enforcement to have the tools and authority to mitigate potential threats. This story underscores the need for balanced regulations that allow for the beneficial use of drones while ensuring public safety.

For more on how drones are being used in law enforcement, check out our recent articles on police drones ja first responders. As drone technology advances, it’s essential to stay informed about its implications for both security and everyday life.

What are your thoughts on the NYPD’s push for greater drone control? Leave your comments below.

Photos courtesy of ABC7NY.

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