AI-Powered Drone Takes On Invasive Plants with Automated Precision Spraying

A game-changing open-source drone system is tackling weed control with surgical precision, combining AI vision and automated reloading capabilities. This innovative project, developed by Nathan Builds, aims to make weed control more efficient and environmentally friendly, as detailed in his recent project documentation.

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Smart Design Meets Practical Innovation

The V2 drone features a clever 3D-printed frame that doubles as a chemical reservoir – a significant upgrade from the V1’s separate tank design. At 12×12 inches, it’s compact but mighty. The system’s brain consists of ArduPilot running on a PixHawk, working alongside RTK GPS for pinpoint accuracy and a altimeter for precise height control.

AI-Powered Precision Targeting

“[Nathan] demonstrated the system in a field where he is trying to eradicate invasive blackberry bushes while minimizing the effect on the native prairie grass,” using a custom image classification model. The system runs on a Raspberry Pi Zero, activating sprayers only when blackberry bushes are detected, thanks to a Global Shutter camera that ensures blur-free targeting.

Automated Pit Stop Innovation

The drone’s autonomous pit stop system is fascinating. When it needs a refresh, it lands on a 6×8 ft pad where a motorized capture system guides it into the reload bay. A linear actuator handles the battery swap, pushing a fresh battery in while ejecting the spent one. The battery units use standard LiPo batteries in 3D-printed frames with copper wire and tape contacts. Once ejected, the spent batteries automatically begin charging in revolving receptacles on either side of the reload bay.

DroneXL’s Take

This project represents a significant step forward in drone technology for agricultural applications. By combining AI vision systems with autonomous operation, it shows how drones can make farming more sustainable and efficient. We’ve seen similar developments in the commercial sector, but this open-source approach could democratize access to precision agriculture technology.

What do you think about using AI-powered drones for targeted weed control? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Photo courtesy of Hackaday

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