Skydio announces software add-on, Enterprise app, and training programs

In an email to opérateurs de drones and other interested parties, Skydio announced today the soon-to-arrive software add-on, Enterprise app, and training programs, as the Le sUAS bleu manufacturer seemingly pivots to the commercial drone market.
Skydio announces software add-on, Enterprise app, and training programs
In an email today, California-based Skydio said that the company is about to release its Skydio Autonomy Enterprise Foundation (AEF) software add-on, Skydio Enterprise App, and Skydio Academy training programs, which will be available for the existing Skydio S2 and newly released Skydio X2 drone.
Skydio recently announced the Skydio Autonomy Enterprise Foundation (AEF) software add-on, Skydio Enterprise App, and Skydio Academy training programs. These new enterprise solutions will be available for S2 and the upcoming X2 aircraft. Contact us to learn more.

In the same email, Skydio also points to their cooperation with JACOBS Engineering and the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire Department to discuss the ways that Skydio’s Autonomy Enterprise Foundation is helping them to work more efficiently.
“We love to see the progress that Skydio is making in bringing the power of autonomy to enterprise users. Skydio’s AI-based drones are a game-changer for operators like us. Coupled with the new enterprise software capabilities these will allow us to perform an even wider range of missions faster, safer, and with higher quality than with any other tool available today,” said Jarvis Worton, sUAS SME, JACOBS Engineering.
DroneXL’s take
As DJI is under continued political pressure, American drone manufacturers keep ramping up their production and product development. Increased and fair competition is in our eyes a good thing and should ultimately lead to better products and lower prices. We also believe that this would be best achieved with the least possible amount of political interference, which is not the current situation in the US drone market.
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