Dissiper la désinformation : La vérité sur la proposition d'interdiction des drones DJI
As the debate surrounding the potential ban on DJI drones continues to unfold, it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction. With the fluidity and volatile nature of this subject, it’s essential to provide accurate and up-to-date information. Vic Moss l'a fait dans un article pour le Alliance DSP afin de répondre aux idées fausses les plus répandues et de clarifier la situation actuelle.
Pas d'interdiction immédiate des drones DJI
L'une des idées fausses les plus répandues est que les drones DJI seront purement et simplement interdits. Or, comme le souligne M. Moss, "les chances d'une interdiction pure et simple sont extrêmement faibles. Ce n'est pas impossible, mais au mieux, c'est peu probable". La formulation actuelle de la Loi sur la lutte contre les drones CCP (CCCPDA) n'obligerait la FCC qu'à refuser les futures demandes de licence de DJI, et non à révoquer les licences existantes.
Les drones DJI ne seront pas bricolés
Another common misconception is that DJI drones will be “bricked” if the CCCPDA becomes law. Moss clarifies, “Even if the long shot of the FCC revoking current DJI licenses were to happen, that doesn’t mean your drone will be bricked.” He explains that the only way for drones to be bricked would be for DJI to send a command, which is highly unlikely.
Le processus législatif
Many people mistakenly believe that since the House passed their version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) containing the CCCPDA language, it has become law. However, as Moss explains, “That’s not how D.C. works.” The bill still needs to go through the Senate, a Congressional conference committee, and receive a Presidential signature before becoming law.
Impact de l'interdiction des drones DJI Au-delà des drones DJI
Bien que le texte de la CCCPDA vise principalement DJI, il inclut également la phrase "ou toute filiale ou société affiliée de celle-ci". Cela signifie qu'en fonction de la définition donnée à l'expression "filiale ou société affiliée", d'autres fabricants chinois de drones, tels que Anzu ou Specta.
Pas d'augmentation des tarifs au CCCPDA
Contrairement à certaines rumeurs, le texte du CCCPDA ne prévoit pas d'augmenter les droits de douane sur les drones chinois. M. Moss précise que les gens confondent les termes utilisés dans le texte de la Loi sur les drones pour les premiers intervenants (DFR) avec les termes du NDAA. Le DFR est un projet de loi distinct qui n'a pas encore été présenté.
Remise en question des problèmes de sécurité
M. Moss soulève un point important concernant les problèmes de sécurité liés aux drones DJI. Il s'interroge : "S'il y avait un véritable problème de sécurité, il faudrait une interdiction immédiate. Tout de suite !" Le fait qu'il ne semble pas y avoir d'urgence à mettre en œuvre une interdiction suggère que les problèmes de sécurité ne sont peut-être pas aussi graves qu'on le prétend.
As the situation continues to evolve, it’s crucial to stay informed and rely on accurate information. Misinformation can cause great damage to both the Industrie des drones et le hobby. En dissipant les idées reçues et en clarifiant la situation actuelle, nous pourrons engager un dialogue plus productif et prendre des décisions éclairées pour l'avenir.
DroneXL’s Take on DJI Drone Ban
The proposed ban on DJI drones has far-reaching implications for the drone industry as a whole. While security concerns should always be taken seriously, it’s essential to approach the issue with a balanced perspective. The lack of urgency in implementing an immediate ban raises questions about the severity of the alleged security risks.
Furthermore, the potential impact on other Chinese drone manufacturers highlights the need for clear definitions and careful consideration of the language used in any proposed legislation. As the situation continues to unfold, it’s crucial for the drone community to stay informed, engage in constructive dialogue, and advocate for policies that promote innovation and growth in the industry while addressing legitimate security concerns.
Que pensez-vous de l'interdiction potentielle des drones DJ dans l'Union européenne ? États-Unis? Êtes-vous d'accord avec Elise Stefanik pour dire que les drones fabriqués en Chine, en particulier les drones DJI, doivent être interdits dans le pays ? Ou pensez-vous qu'il s'agit d'un sujet fortement politisé et que les drones DJI devraient être autorisés à être utilisés par les citoyens de l'Union européenne ? Premiers intervenants, Police departments, and fire departments? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. We’re curious to hear from you.
Vous pouvez lire d'autres articles sur le sujet Loi sur la lutte contre les drones de la PCC ici sur DroneXL.
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While the drones won’t be technically “bricked” if the revoke FCC licenses you wont be able to fly them since you can’t operate a transmission device without it having a FCC license so it might as well be bricked.
Everyone should know by now that this is a protectionist action actually written by a lobbiest for Skydio that went to work for Stefonik. It is so frustrating that we the people have absolutely no control over the insane actions of our government, from considering NATO membership by Ukraine, the root causes of inflation, to this obviously bogus legislative attempt to prevent DJI from selling anymore drones in the US.
Why not make US companies compete in a fair way!
To this day, the only car I ever owned that gave me relatively zero problems is a Lexus! Need I say more.
American companies need to step up and build better products rather than cheat in this manner!
Perhaps the government should focus the time and effort wasted on an issue such as this or any of the other pointless arguments taxes and time are wasted on, and start investigating all the crooked politicians within itself!? The ones on the RIGHT and the LEFT….and every damn one in between!!!
Aw damn! Then we wouldn’t actually have a government because 80% of them would be convicted of treason for who knows what!
Cull the herd and rebuild! With common sense and people who actually care about the prosperity of OUR country and not the size of their personal wealth.
If there is evidence that DJI drones are a threat to national security than it undermines Stefanik’s entire premise to not revoke all current FCC certifications, as there are millions of FCC Certified DJI “spy drones” currently flying in our country. The fact the bill seems to only target all future innovation and sales of DJI and the ability to get FCC authorization to connect to radio communications, which is required so drones and other products can be used at full capacity, says to me it’s about killing the competition, not athe facade argument this is for “national security”. IMHO. Regardless, this is causing so much stress and harm across dozens of diverse industries. What a shame this is. I pray it is pulled from the NDAA and given the due diligence of debate and attention it deserves.
We all know it’s going to pass the Senate. There may be a provision or 2 but it’s going to pass.
It’s really underhanded the way they slipped it into the DOD annual budget.
I think someone has had it in for DJI since they lost a judgement of hundreds of millions of dollars to Bell Helicopter for patent infringement.
Bell Aircraft is so deep in the military industrial complex that one could say that they are one in the same. That connection goes way back.
DJI lost a judgement to Bell a couple of years ago that I thought was a stretch and really unfair.
Huge difference in the applications of automated return to home programs between manned vertical take off and landing aircraft and UAV. Yet they were still found guilty and ordered to pay. It was obvious to me then that someone had it out for DJI.
Then this railroad job follows that? Yeah it’s not a coincidence or a conspiracy…this is someones personal agenda. Someone who is an asshole.
I only use built in screen remote controllers. It’s my understanding that the concern revolves potential “back door” programs in the apps ran on cell phones. So it seems that requiring Chinese drones to use remote controllers that are stand alone devices and requiring all data other than the OS to be kept on micro SD cards that must be removed before updating firmware would eliminate any potential security risk.