A Matternet felkészíti teherszállító drónjait az FAA tesztekre

Mountain View, -based Matternet, the drone company you know from its partnership with UPS, is preparing its M2 cargo drones for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) durability and reliability tests this year. The testing will bring the company closer to receiving special type certification for unmanned aircraft systems.

Matternet readies cargo drones for durability and reliability tests

Chris Gillis writes for FreightWaves that:

Achieving this certification from the FAA will establish that ‘s M2 drone is airworthy and eligible for use by commercial air carriers. While numerous cargo delivery drones are undergoing development and testing, none has received this level of certification.

Since March 2019, FAA-approved drone airline has used Matternet’s M2 drones to carry out various urban cargo delivery tests throughout the country.

In partnership with WakeMed Health, UPS Flight Forward used M2 drones to complete more than 1,850 deliveries of lab samples within its Raleigh, , medical campus in 2019. The FAA requires UPS drone operators to maintain a clear line of sight of the machines during flight.

“The Matternet M2 has been purpose-built for its mission of urban medical delivery, combining solid engineering, years of flight experience, and the safety and security required for medical logistics,” said the company’s CEO, Andreas Raptopoulos, in a statement.

Receiving this type of certification from the FAA will allow UPS to scale operations much more quickly, Matternet said. However, industry experts say the agency’s durability and reliability testing to certify airworthiness is rigorous.

You can read the entire article itt.

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Photo: Matternet

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo is a leading drone industry expert and Editor in Chief of DroneXL.co és EVXL.co, where he covers drone technology, industry developments, and electric mobility trends. With over nine years of specialized coverage in unmanned aerial systems, his insights have been featured in The New York Times, The Financial Times, and cited by The Brookings Institute, Foreign Policy, Politico and others.

Before founding DroneXL.co, Kesteloo built his expertise at DroneDJ. He currently co-hosts the PiXL Drone Show on YouTube and podcast platforms, sharing industry insights with a global audience. His reporting has influenced policy discussions and been referenced in federal documents, establishing him as an authoritative voice in drone technology and regulation. He can be reached at haye @ dronexl.co or @hayekesteloo.

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