Drones aid in recovery of missing men near Bate Island in Canada

Two men who were fishing near rapids along Bate Island in on Friday were ‘carried away in the water, according to witnesses. Search boats, a team of divers, and drones aided in the recovery of the body of one of the men late Friday night. The other person is still missing.

Drones aid in the recovery of missing men near Bate Island in Canada

Witnesses saw two men being ‘carried away in the water’, according to the . Drones aided in the location and recovery of the body of one of the missing fishermen late Friday night after police had also deployed search boats and a team of divers. The second person is still missing.

Friday night, the police suspended the search for the second person due to low light conditions. CBC reports that as of Saturday morning drones have been deployed to search for the other missing person.

“We’ve combined ground search with approximately six or seven officers who are going to be searching the shorelines,” said Ottawa police Insp. Russell Lucas.

Drones Aid In Recovery Of Missing Men Near Bate Island In Canada 1

Firemen from Ottawa and Gatineau’s fire departments are helping in the search together with police officers from both sides of the river. Searches along the shoreline are taking place and well as the use of sonar equipment to search the river itself.

A are hoping for the best, but Lucas said that “the expectation right now is that we’ve already recovered one body and chances are that, unfortunately, the second [will be] a recovery as well.”

Lucas recommends that anyone who plans to be out in the water or near rapids should take “appropriate safety measures.” He added that “personal flotation devices are going to make it a safer way to enjoy days like today,” and said that it was unclear if any of the two men were wearing life jackets.

The identities of the two fishermen have not yet been released by the police.


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Photo credit: Frederic Pepin/Radio-Canada

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