A FLIR Systems megvásárolja a Blue sUAS dróngyártóját, az Altavian-t

In a press release, FLIR Systems announced that the company has bought privately-held Blue sUAS drone manufacturer Altavian Inc., best known for its unmanned aircraft for defense and public safety customers.

A FLIR Systems megvásárolja a Blue sUAS dróngyártóját, az Altavian-t

In a press release, FLIR Systems announces the acquisition of drone manufacturer , a privately-held company that is one of the five drone manufacturers approved by the U.S. under the program to sell to the U.S. military and federal agencies.

Altavian is best known for making drones for defense and public safety customers. It’s drones incorporate multiple sensors including FLIR thermal technology, to provide users with decision support and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capability.

Altavian was founded in 2011 and is based in Gainesville, . The company designs and manufactures Group 1 UAS solutions for long or short-range operations. With both quadcopter and fixed-wing UAS designs, Altavian’s expertise includes aeronautics, avionics, and software, and its solutions are engineered around an open system architecture aligned to the needs of government and defense customers.

“Altavian’s proven engineering expertise and assets will allow us to offer customers the most comprehensive solution portfolio of any American sUAS provider,” said Roger Wells, General Manager of the Unmanned Systems and Integrated Solutions business of ‘ Defense Technologies Segment, under which Altavian will be integrated. “With the addition of both a low-cost, rapidly deployable quadcopter and a longer range fixed-wing UAS, FLIR is strengthening its already impressive drone lineup, including our Black Hornet® and SkyRaider™ platforms used extensively by militaries around the globe. We’re excited about the multiple new franchise opportunities FLIR will be able to pursue for defense, public safety, and industrial markets worldwide.”

Flir Systems Buys Blue Suas Drone Manufacturer Altavian 1

Flir Systems Buys Blue Suas Drone Manufacturer Altavian 2

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo a főszerkesztője és alapítója a DroneXL.co, ahol a drónokkal kapcsolatos hírekkel, DJI pletykákkal foglalkozik és drónkritikákat ír, és EVXL.co, az elektromos járművekkel kapcsolatos összes hírért. Emellett társ-műsorvezetője a PiXL Drone Show a YouTube-on és más podcast platformokon. Haye elérhető a haye @ dronexl.co vagy a @hayekesteloo.

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