Volocopter to start electric air taxi service in Singapore
The German company Volocopter will operate an electric Air Taxi service in the Asian city of Singapore. To this end, a partnership has been entered into with the Economic Development Board of Singapore (EDB) and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS). The goal is to get the taxi service off the ground within three years. In addition to tourist flights, there will also be connections to and from the economic hotspots.
Volocopter to start electric air taxi service in Singapore
Commercial rollout
In October 2019, Volocopter provided its first demonstration flight over the metropolis. After that, the company soon opened a local division. Immediately efforts were made to work closely with the Ministry of Transport and the aviation authorities to obtain the necessary permits.
In the run-up to the air taxi service’s commercial launch, Volocopter is first working on the necessary certifications. To this end, the necessary tests, test flights, evaluations, and certification processes are initiated. Only then can the service be rolled out commercially.
Regional access
The first intended route is a tourist route over the water, with fascinating views of the Marina Bay skyline. After that, cross-border flights are on the program. These should contribute to regional accessibility and the opening up of Singapore’s economic centers.
In order to achieve all this, Volocopter will be putting together a team consisting of 50 people with a background in aviation, engineering, operational processes, and business development. By 2026, a total of 200 employees must ensure that the intended flight routes can be operated successfully.
Volocopter’s air taxis are electrically powered and emission-free. The aircraft can take off and land vertically, making them ideal for use in built-up areas. A maximum of two people can be on board. There is no need for a pilot to be on board. The flight range is a few dozen kilometers.
UAM as a growth sector
“Urban Air Mobility is an emerging area within the broader mobility sector, which we have identified as a growth sector for Singapore,” said Mr. Tan Kong Hwee, Executive Vice President, EDB. “Singapore is an important regional testbed for autonomous cars, electric vehicles and Urban Air Mobility, including Volocopter’s successful test flight in 2019. We are pleased that Volocopter has chosen Singapore to anchor its commercial and research activities. This will help build new opportunities for our mobility ecosystem and create many exciting opportunities for Singapore.”
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This article first appeared on dronewatch.nul and is written by Wiebe de Jager who is also a DroneXL contributor.
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