EHang hints at new air taxi with 240-mile range

The Chinese developer of advanced aerial vehicles (AAVs) EHang has hinted via Twitter about the arrival of a new model with a much longer flight range than the current two-seater EH216. The new is rumored to have a range of no less than 240 miles. Recently, a schematic of what could be the new eVTOL appeared on Chinese social media.

EHang hints at new air taxi with a 240-mile range

240 mile-range

With the tweet, seems to be confirming rumors about the impending announcement of a new model AAV with a flight range of no less than 240 miles, more than 10x as much as the EH216. EHang would achieve this by introducing a hybrid design, part multirotor, part fixed-wing. A schematic image of the alleged device was recently shared via Chinese social media.

Ehang Hints At New Air Taxi With 240-Mile Range 2

In the tweet, EHang gives away few details, except that the new device has been “years” in development. The company also says it will test the new model “in a few months”:

“EHang has been developing long-range electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicle for years. We are about to run the test flight of this new product in months, which will have many new breakthrough features. We will release more information in time.”

If EHang does succeed in introducing an electrically powered air taxi with a range of 240 miles, it would be a big step forward for (UAM) concepts. EHang is a partner in several European projects in the field of UAM.

EHang shares spring up

As a result of the rumors, the share of EHang on the US NASDAQ rose by more than 20%. Investors seem to be relieved by the rumors and the tweet after the EHang stock collapsed a few weeks ago following a critical report from an American investment firm.

Ehang Hints At New Air Taxi With 240-Mile Range 3

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This article first appeared on dronewatch.nul and is written by Wiebe de Jager who is also a DroneXL contributor.

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Wiebe de Jager
Wiebe de Jager

Wiebe de Jager is the founder of Dronewatch and author of several bestselling books about drone photography. Wiebe is a certified drone pilot and has a full ROC license.

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