Drone Used in Assassination Attempt on Former President Trump

A small drone found in the car of Thomas Crooks, the gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald J. Trump, was likely used to survey the rally site in Butler, , according to a report by The New York Times.


Drone Surveillance of Rally Site

Investigators believe Crooks, 20, flew the drone over the Butler Farm Show grounds at least once before the shooting to gather aerial footage. The device was programmed with a pre-planned flight path, allowing Crooks to obtain a detailed layout of the area.

“At some point last Saturday, Mr. Crooks seems to have flown the drone to gather footage for a layout of the Butler Farm Show grounds using a preprogrammed flight path,” an official briefed on the situation told the Times.


Multiple Site Visits

Geolocation data from Crooks’ cellphones indicate he visited the area near the fairgrounds on July 7, six days before the event, and again on the morning of the shooting. This suggests careful planning and reconnaissance using .

Shooter’s Technological Sophistication

Described as “highly intelligent and technologically sophisticated,” Crooks’ use of drone technology demonstrates the potential for unmanned aerial vehicles to be used in planning criminal activities. The drone’s discovery was initially delayed due to the presence of explosive devices in Crooks’ car.

Security Implications

The incident raises questions about event security and drone detection. The Secret Service did not use drones for aerial surveillance of the rally, nor did they request an FAA waiver for drone operations in restricted airspace, which is typical for outdoor appearances by former presidents.

Ongoing Investigation

FBI technicians are analyzing the drone, along with Crooks’ phones and other electronic devices, to determine his motive. So far, no evidence has been found linking the attack to strong partisan beliefs or foreign involvement.

DroneXL’s Take

This incident underscores the dual-use nature of drone technology. While drones offer numerous benefits in fields like agriculture, , and aerial photography, their potential misuse for nefarious purposes highlights the need for robust security measures and responsible drone operation. As drone technology continues to advance, it’s crucial for regulators, law enforcement, and the to work together to ensure public safety while preserving the positive applications of unmanned aerial vehicles.

DroneXL.co remains committed to promoting safe and ethical drone use while keeping our readers informed about the latest developments in drone technology and regulations.

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

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Articles: 3943


  1. Yes. The drones are the problem………just like the guns are the problem. He used this gun so we should “ban” it. He used a drone so let make laws around what they can be used for. He wore red and green shoes……..better ban those too. Always the object thats is the problem…….not the person

  2. Yea, like he used his eyes to survey the place, maybe we should ban all people with eye sight too. Also, it’s a TFR (temporary flight restriction), do your homework next time.

    • Fairly sure the person you replied to was being a bit sarcastic with what they said, especially with the last part e.g. “…was wearing red and blue shoes, should ban them too.”. I’m pretty sure we’re all on the same side here.

  3. I’m sorry but I feel we ban all DemonRats and extreme liberals from breathing. That includes the secret service, FBI, and all the DemonRat Congress and house from existing. They are the problems.

    • The shooter was a registered Repugnantcan . Isn’t that your base ? So !!! You’re rubbish filled rant makes absolutely zero sense , but you’re a Repugnantcan so facts don’t matter…

  4. Even more proof that secret service was involved with the attempted assassination, they definitely didn’t do their job

  5. It’s obvious this was an attempt on Trump’s life from our government, not else makes any sense but that .

  6. I definitely think they was other ppl in it bet some one paid him to do it Biden and all ppl was probably in on it they can’t win against trump so they tryied to take him out and failed

    • What a joke. Many Republicans dislike trump the bully…this guy was just smart and knows trump wants to take us backwards. An excuse for homocide? No… but the reasoning is there for sure. The whole family is republican, but some do not want trumps disruption with our country and other countrys…

      • Any many Democrats hate Biden’s incompetent ass that can’t “love his country” enough like he says to man uo & do what’s best for it……to step down

  7. Little Debbie just STFU.. his dad was a libertarian, mother a Democrat, the kid donated $15 to the Democrats, because he’s registered as a Republican makes no sense like your statement

  8. This is a big joke, the democrats was behind this 100 percent, they can’t bet Trump at the polls, an Biden is to blame, he’s put a bullseye on Trump, he’s public advertised that Trump must be stopped at all cost , this kid was sat up to take the fall, the democrats hav tryed everything to get Trump, from crooked ass judges to payed off juries, the jurors ended up being rich for Trumps New York trail , The 2020 election was rigged and they’ll do it again in 2024 .

  9. @Debbie Do your homework. You look silly. Dad was a Libertarian. Mom was a DEMONcrat. Its being stated he was a Republican. However, never voted. Donated $15 to DEMONcrat party. Makes zero sense. Im thinking he wanted the confusion. He really was a DEMONcrat trying to make us believe he was a Republican. That way he was a hero secrectivly. DEMONcrat taking out a Rebublican. It failed. What he has done is now showing how weak the secret service is. Even though the head of secret service is Biden admin. Mass confusion is what he created. The SS should be held liable for the death of the man who died. Attempted for the 2 critical. Then a charge for those in attendance.

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