Russian Volunteers Claim Massive DJI Drone Modifications, Experts Skeptical

Russian volunteers assert they’ve modified over 90,000 DJI Mavic drones with custom “1001” firmware in combat zones, according to a Telegram post. However, experts like Samuel Bendett express doubt about these staggering figures.

Unverifiable Claims and Numbers

The volunteers claim to have modified an average of 7,500 DJI Mavic drones per month since July 2023. While it’s known that volunteers are constantly acquiring DJI Mavic drones, there’s no way to independently verify these numbers.

Expanded Drone Support

The group reports completing work on porting the “1001” firmware to the Multispectral drone. They state, “Although this model is not particularly common, recently there have been many requests for it due to the specific tasks it is capable of solving.”

Growing Modification Network

The volunteers boast of a rapidly expanding network:

“Over the past year, a huge network of ‘1001’ firmware points has been formed – there are more than 400 of them! Most of them are located in the Special Military Operation zone, where ‘1001’ is needed.”

New Firmware Versions

Support for the latest official firmware versions has reportedly been added across various Mavic models, including Mavic 3, Mavic 3 Classic, Mavic 3 Pro, and others.

Unconfirmed Impact

The group claims each modified drone flight “brings our common goal closer – VICTORY!” However, the actual effectiveness of these modifications in combat scenarios remains unclear.

DroneXL’s Take

The alleged scale of DJI drone modifications for military use highlights the ongoing challenges in regulating drone technology. While the claims are unverified, they underscore the adaptability of commercial drones for various purposes. This situation emphasizes the need for continued innovation in drone security measures and ethical use guidelines. As we’ve seen in recent DJI developments, manufacturers are constantly working to balance technological advancement with responsible use.

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A javasolt jogszabályok veszélyeztetik a drónok szórakozásra, munkára és biztonságra való használatának lehetőségét. A Drone Advocacy Alliance azért küzd, hogy az Ön hangja is hallassa a hangját ezekben a kritikus politikai vitákban.Csatlakozzon hozzánk, és mondja meg választott képviselőinek, hogy védjék meg a repüléshez való jogát.

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo a főszerkesztője és alapítója a, ahol a drónokkal kapcsolatos hírekkel, DJI pletykákkal foglalkozik és drónkritikákat ír, és, az elektromos járművekkel kapcsolatos összes hírért. Emellett társ-műsorvezetője a PiXL Drone Show a YouTube-on és más podcast platformokon. Haye elérhető a haye @ vagy a @hayekesteloo.

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