Cleveland Police Drones Remain Grounded Pending Policy Approval

Cleveland’s fleet of ten drones remains grounded while awaiting policy approval from the city’s Community Police Commission (CPC), according to discussions at a recent Cleveland City Council committee meeting, reports Signal Cleveland.

Drones in Limbo

Despite Cleveland City Council approving the drone program two years ago, the unmanned aircraft haven’t taken flight.

Council Member Michael Polensek expressed frustration, noting “Ten drones are sitting in an office, and council wants to see them up in the air.”

Policy Review Process

The CPC, a 13-member resident oversight board with final say on police policies, received the drone policy (called a “general police order” or GPO) on October 10. Jason Goodrick, CPC’s Interim Executive Director, assured council members that reviewing the drone policy is among their top priorities for year-end.

Privacy Concerns Being Addressed

Mayor Justin Bibb’s administration is taking steps to address privacy and civil rights concerns surrounding drone deployment. A technology advisory committee, promised in 2022, held its first public meeting this September to tackle these issues.

What’s Next for the Program

The implementation timeline remains uncertain as multiple oversight layers need to sign off. The CPC must approve the drone policy before the police department can begin operations, while the technology advisory committee continues to weigh in on privacy protections.

DroneXL’s Take

This situation reflects a growing trend in law enforcement drone adoption, where agencies must balance public safety benefits with privacy concerns. The careful policy development process in Cleveland could serve as a model for other cities implementing drone programs. The emphasis on community oversight and privacy considerations shows how implementation in law enforcement requires thoughtful planning and public input.

What do you think about Cleveland’s approach to implementing their program? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Photo courtesy of Signal Cleveland.

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Haye Kesteloo a főszerkesztője és alapítója a, ahol a drónokkal kapcsolatos hírekkel, DJI pletykákkal foglalkozik és drónkritikákat ír, és, az elektromos járművekkel kapcsolatos összes hírért. Emellett társ-műsorvezetője a PiXL Drone Show a YouTube-on és más podcast platformokon. Haye elérhető a haye @ vagy a @hayekesteloo.

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