Leaked DJI Mavic Enterprise Prototype Surfaces After Apparent Crash Test

A prototype DJI Mavic Enterprise drone has emerged in recently leaked images and video, showing an impressive camera system that appears to have survived crash testing. The footage, shared by trusted DJI leakers Jasper Ellens és OsitaLV, provides intriguing insights into DJI’s development process.

Massive Camera System Takes Center Stage

The most striking feature of this prototype is its substantial camera and gimbal setup. The system reportedly incorporates multiple imaging capabilities:

  • Wide-angle lens
  • Telephoto lens
  • Thermal camera
  • Range finder

What’s notably absent is the sensor array, which was recently introduced with the release of the DJI Air 3S. This omission suggests this might be a specialized test platform rather than a finished product, such as a .

Familiar Design with Professional Add-ons

A prototype drone maintains strong design continuity with the current Enterprise, featuring the same distinctive folding arm configuration and overall body shape. However, its professional capabilities are evident through several enterprise-focused additions:

  • RTK module mounted on the top surface for enhanced positioning accuracy
  • Expansion port on the rear for connecting specialized accessories, including:
  • Loudspeaker for public announcements
  • LED beacon for enhanced visibility
  • Spotlight for night operations or search missions

These modular expansion options align with DJI’s established enterprise ecosystem, suggesting this prototype is being developed with professional and first responder applications in mind. The familiar form factor combined with enhanced capabilities indicates DJI’s strategy of evolving their proven designs rather than starting from scratch.

Crash Test Survivor

“We can’t see a name on the arm but this obviously is another crashed test subject,” notes Jasper Ellens in his post. Despite visible dirt and scratches on the camera housing, the drone’s structural integrity appears largely intact. The survival of the thin arms and camera system after impact demonstrates promising durability in the design.

Not Your Standard Mavic 4

While the timing might suggest this could be a Mavic 4 Enterprise variant (given the Mavic 3’s three-year market presence), several factors indicate otherwise. The missing LiDAR array and specialized camera configuration point to this being a test mule specifically designed to evaluate new camera and gimbal technologies.

DroneXL’s Take

This prototype reveals DJI’s ongoing commitment to pushing the boundaries of enterprise drone capabilities. The robust camera system, particularly with its multi-sensor approach, aligns with growing demands in drone inspection és first responder applications. The apparent durability demonstrated in the crash test is particularly relevant for these professional use cases where equipment reliability is paramount.

Share your thoughts on this prototype in the comments below. What features would you like to see in the next generation of DJI’s enterprise drones?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo a főszerkesztője és alapítója a DroneXL.co, ahol a drónokkal kapcsolatos hírekkel, DJI pletykákkal foglalkozik és drónkritikákat ír, és EVXL.co, az elektromos járművekkel kapcsolatos összes hírért. Emellett társ-műsorvezetője a PiXL Drone Show a YouTube-on és más podcast platformokon. Haye elérhető a haye @ dronexl.co vagy a @hayekesteloo.

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