Delivery by Drone

Drone Delivery: Discover the future of delivery by drone. Stay updated on the latest advancements in drone delivery technology and its global impact.

Amazon Prime Air Lays Off 80% A repülési műveletek - Amazon Delivery Drone lezuhant és tüzet okozott, mondja Faa Report - Faa jóváhagyása Amazon Prime Air Drone Delivery Fleet - Amazon fejleszt repülési szimulátorok a vonat Delivery Drones, hogy elkerüljék a valós világ balesetek

FAA approval for Amazon Prime Air drone delivery fleet

Finally, approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the Amazon Prime Air drone delivery fleet. The approval designates Amazon Prime Air as an ‘air carrier’ and provides the company with broad privileges to ‘safely and efficiently deliver packages to…

Drones Have Risen To The Covid-19 Challenge

Drones have risen to the COVID-19 challenge

Drones have risen to the COVID-19 challenge as social distancing disrupted the delivery of supplies. During the coronavirus pandemic, unmanned aircraft have been used with varying degrees of success to disperse crowds, communicate social distancing messages, monitor people’s temperatures, spray…

Facemasks Delivered By Drone In Mexico Hospitals

Facemasks delivered by drone to hospitals in Mexico

To avoid human contact, facemasks will be delivered to hospitals in Mexico by drone. Donations of antibacterial gel, facemasks, gloves, 3D-printed face shields, and other basic supplies have been delivered by unmanned aircraft to healthcare workers, says Sincronia Logistica.
