Drone videos show deserted streets around the world because of Coronavirus
These drone videos show almost completely deserted streets in major cities around the world. The empty streets are the result of measures to slow down the rapidly spreading Coronavirus and to ‘flatten the curve‘. The aerial footage is shared on social media, YouTube and published by newspapers around the country and in the rest of the world.
As you can see in these drone videos below, the empty streets are a far cry from what these bustling cities typically look like.
Deserted streets in New York City
Empty streets in Baltimore
Hardly anybody on the strip in Las Vegas, NV
San Francisco completely shut down
Nobody on the streets in Chicago
Quiet in Denver, CO
Not business as usual at all in Boston
No people on the streets in Paris, France
Very quiet streets in London, UK
Coronavirus chased people off the streets in Cologne, Germany
And empty streets in Rome, Italy
Deserted Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
After having watched some of the drone videos showing empty streets in all these major cities in the U.S. and around the world, one cannot help but wonder how long it will take for life to return to normal. Although, the reduction in air pollution in these large cities must be a welcome side-effect.
Now before you think, cool let me grab my drone and shoot some video of my city, please keep in mind that in many of these areas you may not be allowed to fly your drone. In the U.S., for instance, you are not allowed to fly over crowds of people (that will not be a problem now), over moving traffic, in New York City, near airports (this makes much of the strip in Las Vegas of limits) and near sensitive facilities such as prisons, power plants, etc. So make sure to do your homework before you take off with your drone!
Please stay inside if you can, socially distance yourself as much as possible, wash your hands and stay healthy!
Photo credit: screenshot from Drone Fanatic video
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