John Mayer’s ‘Drone Shot of My Yacht’ is the right song at the right time!
Two days ago, I came across this article in The Guardian about billionaires, such as David Geffen, who escape the Coronavirus by boarding their yachts and heading off to some tropical destination. Sigh… Wouldn’t that be nice, I thought, to sail away from all the trouble and commotion. Of course, for mere mortals, this is not readily achievable. And it seems that even John Mayer shared that feeling as he quickly put the ‘Drone Shot of My Yacht’ song out on Instagram, mocking David Geffen and his yacht, Rising Sun. Brilliant!
‘Drone Shot of My Yacht’ is now stuck in my mind
David Geffen had posted a beautiful photo of his yacht, Rising Sun, during sunset and said the following:
Sunset last night … isolated in the Grenadines avoiding the virus. I’m hoping everybody is staying safe.”
Not surprisingly, this backfired, and David Geffen has now deleted his Instagram account. Luckily, the Internet has a very long memory, and we were able to find the missing photo quickly.
Of course, this story wasn’t just going to go away. So, John Mayer quickly created the following short and catchy song, ‘Drone Shot of My Yacht’ showing a number of photos of David Geffen’s yacht. Very funny indeed.
John Mayer said: “If it’s stuck in my head, it might as well be stuck in yours. Here’s “Drone Shot of My Yacht,” as featured on last night’s @currentmood.”
Drone Shot of My Yacht. It’s all I’ve got. I’m all alone on the water…
Here’s the video of the live performance during John’s show.
Of course, for all of us who are somewhat less fortunate, it might be a good idea to brush up on our Coronavirus and COVID-19 knowledge by quickly visiting the CDC website di sini.
Please stay safe and happy drone flying!
Drone Shot of My Yacht…
Now, it is stuck in my head too. 😉
Photo credit: Jeff Morgan/Alamy stock photo
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