Inmates burying coffins on NYC’s infamous Hart Island – Drone video
A Video Drone seems to show inmates in protective gear burying coffins on NYC’s infamous Hart Island in the Long Island Sound. The city has said that they may burry victims from the COVID-19 pandemic on the island.
The drone video shows footage that was recorded last Thursday, according to the NY Post and shows a crew of city inmates in protective gear lower wooden coffins into the ground. Moments later a bulldozer and a backhoe can be seen dumping mounds of dirt on top of at least 20 coffins.
New York City has been hurrying unclaimed and anonymous dead bodies on Hart Island for the last 150 years. The drone video showing the coffins at the end of a long trench, create an eerie picture amidst the Coronavirus outbreak.
Inmates burying coffins on NYC’s Hart Island captured in drone video
According to Melinda Hunt, the director of the Hart Island Project, which is the not-for-profit organization behind the drone video, reported that 23 bodies were buried that day. She is not sure of all of them were victims of COVID-19, but mentioned that there’s an indication of an increase in the number of recent burials on the island and the process itself seems to have become more organized and systematic.
“It’s a much more orderly burial operation now than it was even a short time ago,” she told the newspaper on Tuesday. “I think people want to know.”
Officials at City Hall said on Tuesday that no coronavirus victims have been buried on Hart Island to date. However, when asked is suspected coronavirus patients had been buried on the island, a spokesperson responded that they didn’t think so, but they could not be certain as none of the bodies had been diagnosed.
Since the city does not test the dead for the virus, the official count of coronavirus deaths is almost certainly inaccurate, reports the newspaper. On Monday, Mayor de Blasio said that they may opt to bury coronavirus victims on the island, as the city’s death toll surged past 3,000.
You can see the drone video below.
Photo: The Hart Island Project
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