Enfield Police Drone Unit Thwarts ‘Hide-And-Seek’ Bandit

Drone and K-9 Team Prove Decisive in Apprehending Fleeing Suspect

In the early hours of Sunday morning, a larceny suspect attempted to evade capture by fleeing into a wooded area in Enfield, . However, according to Patch, the suspect was no match for the Enfield Department’s drone unit and canine team, who swiftly tracked him down and brought him into custody.

The incident began at the CVS store located at 47 Hazard Ave. when a man was spotted running from the property and disappearing into the nearby woods. Responding to the situation, the Enfield Police Department deployed both a drone and a K-9 unit to track down the fleeing suspect.

The drone, equipped with thermal imaging technology, quickly identified a heat signature in the wooded area. Acting as a spotter, the drone guided police dog Dunkin as he began to navigate through the dense vegetation. The coordinated effort between the drone and the K-9 team proved to be highly effective in narrowing down the suspect’s location.

After a brief pursuit, the suspect was eventually cornered in the vicinity of the commercial property at 60 Freshwater Boulevard. Officers on the ground took the man, identified as 34-year-old Michael Brown of Stamford, into custody without further incident.

“Our teams are always up for a good game of hide-and-seek,” the Enfield Police Department quipped in a statement, highlighting the effectiveness of their drone and K-9 units in apprehending the fleeing suspect.

Brown now faces a larceny charge in connection with the incident at the CVS store. The swift actions of the Enfield Police Department’s specialized units underscore their commitment to maintaining public safety and bringing criminals to justice.

The successful apprehension of the suspect serves as a testament to the value of investing in advanced technology, such as drones, and highly trained K-9 teams. By leveraging these resources, law enforcement agencies can more effectively respond to and resolve criminal incidents, ultimately making their communities safer places to live and work.

Photo courtesy of Enfield Police Department in Connecticut.

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