Mexican Army Acknowledges Soldier Deaths from Cartel Drone Attacks

The Mexican army has confirmed for the first time that some of its soldiers have been killed by bomb-dropping drones operated by drug cartels. This revelation comes from Defense Secretary Gen. Luis Cresencio Sandoval, as reported by the Associated Press.

Cartel Drone Warfare Escalates

Sandoval didn’t provide exact casualty figures but acknowledged that troops have been wounded and killed in these attacks. The incidents have primarily occurred in the western state of Michoacan, a hotbed of cartel activity.

“Our personnel have suffered wounds, and some of our troops have even died,” Sandoval stated, highlighting the growing threat posed by cartel-operated drones.

Military Response and Challenges

The army is now seeking to acquire anti-drone systems to combat this emerging threat.

Sandoval explained, “What we are seeking with this anti-drone equipment is to have the security capability, which we lack, for our personnel performing reconnaissance and patrols.”

While drone-dropped bombs are a significant concern, the army continues to encounter more roadside bombs than aerial attacks. The situation in Michoacan has become highly militarized, with cartels employing a range of tactics including IEDs, trenches, and armored vehicles.

Rise of Drone Attacks

The use of drones by cartels, particularly the Jalisco cartel, has seen a dramatic increase. In 2023 alone, there were at least 260 drone-carried bomb incidents, a stark rise from previous years. Some residents in Michoacan report near-daily occurrences of drone bomb attacks.

Broader Impact on Mexican Security

These drone attacks are part of a larger pattern of escalating violence. In 2023, 42 soldiers, , and suspects were wounded by IEDs in just over seven months. The previous year saw fatalities from car bomb attacks, including one National Guard officer and four state police officers.

DroneXL’s Take

The use of drones by drug cartels in represents a significant escalation in the ongoing drug war. This development aligns with the broader trend of being adapted for various purposes, both beneficial and harmful. As we’ve seen in recent police drone operations, unmanned aircraft can be powerful tools for law enforcement.

However, this situation in Mexico demonstrates the urgent need for effective counter-drone measures to protect personnel and civilians alike. The challenge for authorities will be to stay ahead of cartel innovations while leveraging drone technology for their own security operations.

Photo courtesy of AP Photo

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