Newark Deploys Drones to Patrol Watershed, Surprises City Council

In a surprising turn of events during a Newark City Council budget meeting, a drone demonstration captured the attention of council members, highlighting the city’s innovative approach to watershed management. According to, the unexpected appearance of the drone showcased Newark’s commitment to leveraging technology for improved city operations.

Drone Demonstration Interrupts Budget Presentation

During a routine budget presentation by Newark Water and Sewer Utilities Director Kareem Adeem, a buzzing sound filled the council chamber. The source was quickly revealed to be a drone, measuring about 2 feet wide, hovering over the chamber’s balcony.

Council President LaMonica McIver remarked, “Wow. That was, okay, amazing. It’s loud. But it’s nice. It’s really, really nice.”

Drones to Patrol Watershed Property

The drone demonstration wasn’t just for show. Director Adeem revealed that drones will be used to patrol Newark’s 37,000-acre watershed property in Passaic and Sussex counties. This innovative approach aims to enhance the city’s ability to monitor and protect its vital water resources.

Councilman Carlos Gonzalez, a proponent of using drones for watershed patrol, expressed his enthusiasm: “I was blown out of the water by that thing you had.”

Addressing Revenue Challenges

The drone demonstration came amid discussions about maximizing city revenues. Council members urged department heads to crack down on various infractions, including illegal fishing on city reservoirs and unpaid water bills.

City Business Administrator Eric Pennington addressed concerns about Newark’s mounting debt to Essex County due to lagging property tax assessments. He mentioned an ongoing revaluation of the city’s 53,000 taxable properties, though it won’t be completed until 2027.

Budget Overview

The drone presentation was part of a larger budget discussion for Newark’s $914.5 million overall spending plan for 2024. Under the proposed budget, Newark homeowners would see an average increase of $189 in local property taxes.

DroneXL’s Take

The use of drones for watershed patrol in Newark aligns with a growing trend of drones for good applications in urban management. This innovative approach not only enhances the city’s ability to monitor its vital resources but also demonstrates the potential for to improve public services and safety.

As we’ve seen in recent articles on DroneXL, drones are increasingly being used by municipalities for various purposes, from infrastructure inspection to emergency response. Newark’s initiative showcases how cities can leverage drone technology to address specific local challenges, potentially leading to more efficient and cost-effective operations.

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo adalah Pemimpin Redaksi dan Pendiri DroneXL.codi mana ia meliput semua berita terkait drone, rumor DJI, dan menulis ulasan drone, dan EVXL.countuk semua berita yang berkaitan dengan kendaraan listrik. Dia juga merupakan salah satu pembawa acara Pertunjukan Drone PiXL di YouTube dan platform podcast lainnya. Haye dapat dihubungi di haye @ atau @hayekesteloo.

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