Drone pilot charged after filming a crash site in Canada

According to , a drone pilot is charged after he allegedly used an unregistered drone to film the scene of a fatal crash in Chatham-Kent, Ontario, in Canada.

Drone pilot charged after filming a crash site in Canada

A drone pilot is facing charges after he allegedly used an unregistered drone to film the scene of a fatal crash in Chatham-Kent, Ontario.

The crash happened in April of this year and according to investigators, the drone pilot flew the unmanned aircraft over the scene of the accident and alongside an ambulance while the victim was rushed to Sydenham District Hospital.

“Ornge air ambulance was en-route and flying toward the hospital as the drone was in the air only a short distance from the helicopter landing site,” reads a new release from the Chatham-Kent Police Service (CKPS).

CKPS Drone Operator, Constable Josh Flikweert reminds drone operators, “with the advent of small, affordable drones, more people are flying them, resulting in an increased number of remotely piloted aircraft in the air. Drone operators should be aware that there are a number of rules and regulations that dictate how and where the drones can be flown. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with these before you fly your drone. Non-compliance will be investigated and you may be issued a fine or lose your license to fly. These guidelines are there to keep everyone safe so that we all can enjoy having these aircraft in the air.”

Drone Pilot Charged After Filming A Crash Site In Canada 1

Il drone pilot uploaded the video to YouTube and together with Transport , the police were able to identify and locate the operator, who was later interviewed by the authorities.

The 33-year-old drone pilot from Wallaceburg, Ontario has been charged with violating the Canadian Aviation Regulations. He has been issued a $250 fine for allegedly operating a remotely piloted aircraft system without it being registered.

The photo is unrelated to the article and shows two police officers from the Chatham-Kent Police Service.

For more information regarding rules for flying drones in Canada, please see qui. Canadian Aviation Regulations may be found qui.

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Photo: Chatham-Kent Police Service / Facebook

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