Russian military use DJI FPV drone marked with letter Z
On Twitter, the following two photos were shared, both of which depicted a DJI FPV Drone with the letter Z—a sign that has become synonymous with the Russian military that has invaded Ucraina.
As we have seen in the past, the Russian military makes use of a variety of DJI drones, which include the DJI Mavic 2, the DJI Mavic 3, and the DJI Matrice series.
It is also believed that the Russians operate multiple DJI AeroScope drone detection systems, which can make operating a DJI drone in Ukraine a highly nerve-racking and perhaps life-threatening experience.
However, the DJI FPV drone that was utilized in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is something we have never seen before.
It is possible that the DJI FPV drone, with its agility, high speed of almost 90 mph, and increased range, is the ideal drone for surveillance missions in which time is of the essence.
Is the DJI FPV the best DJI drone to be used in a war zone?
Let us know in the comments below what you think of these photos and answer the following question.
Which of the currently available DJI drones do you believe would prove to be the most effective in a combat zone?
Would you choose the recently released DJI Matrice 30, which is a powerful folding drone with a very strong zoom camera, the DJI Mavic 3, which is a lot smaller and lighter but still very competent drone, or the DJI FPV drone, as these two Russian soldiers seem to have done?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Photos courtesy of Arsion Xudosi.
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DJI providing Russia with GPS locations so that Russia can KILL Ukrainians is a bit too far. Buy DJI, help participate and support Russia Killing Ukrainians.
You soviet hidden agent
Nobody should support Russia in doing evil. Russia should eat his humble pie and stop his killing spree. in Ukraine. Putin is just killing YOUNG RUSSIANS FOR NOTHING. RUSSIA STOP THE WAR. WHAT IS THE GAIN ?
Phantom 4 RTK
Skydio is better than DJI