Dutch drone maker launches fixed-wing DeltaQuad Evo drone with 4.5 hours flight time

The Dutch drone manufacturer Vertical Technologies has launched a new model drone that allows a maximum flight time of 4.5 hours. The DeltaQuad Evo is based on a fixed-wing design and can take off and land vertically. The drone is ideally suited for applications such as mapping, inspections, and surveillance. The aircraft can be used for both commercial and military missions.

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DeltaQuad Evo drone

With the DeltaQuad Evo, Vertical Technologies is responding to the rapidly growing use of drones in industries and governments worldwide, where users have increasingly strict requirements regarding performance and productivity.

“About two years ago, we noticed that the requirements for eVTOL drones were changing. We saw a rapidly growing demand for longer flight times and flexible loading options, with a lower total cost of ownership,” says director Douwe Zeeman.

With those requirements in mind, the company returned to the drawing board. That resulted in the Evo. The innovative wing shape provides aerodynamic efficiency, improved drag, and the ability to carry and operate two payloads simultaneously.

The modular design of the drone should significantly reduce maintenance costs. The airframe is made of fiberglass, carbon fiber, and Kevlar. This makes the drone suitable for intensive use under demanding conditions. The system weighs 6 kg. The MTOW is 9 kg.

Deltaquad Evo

Two payload bays

The two universal payload bays, with a total load capacity of 3 kg, can accommodate a wide range of sensors for monitoring, mapping, multispectral imaging, and . This makes the platform suitable for various tasks and allows for easy customization and integration of future sensors.

As examples of possible payloads, Vertical Technologies cites the A7R mark IV for mapping, the Nextvision Raptor for security and surveillance, the YellowScan LiDAR for creating 3D point clouds, the AgEagle Micasense Altum PT for agricultural applications, and the Workswell Wiris pro for thermal mapping missions.

On one battery, the drone flies for a maximum of 3 hours and can then cover 170 km. It is also possible to add an extra battery. Then there is still room for one payload of a max of 1 kg. In that case, the drone can stay in the air for 4.5 hours and cover a maximum of 280 km.

Dutch Drone Maker Launches Fixed-Wing Deltaquad Evo Drone With 4.5 Hours Flight Time

Operation and data processing

The drone can be controlled via a direct radio connection and via a mobile data connection (LTE). The system runs on OS.

Thanks to Auterion Skynode it is possible to process data in real-time, even during the execution of a flight. The Auterion operating system also offers flexible connectivity options to enable data workflows, custom apps, and AI for business and government customers.

The DeltaQua Evo is now available to a select group of end users who can perform tests with the platform. Parties interested in testing the Evo and the payload options can contact Vertical Technologies.

About Vertical Technologies

Vertical Technologies was founded in 2012 by Sander Smeets, the current CTO. In 2017, the company launched the DeltaQuad, which it claims is the first drone with a payload capacity of 1 kg in combination with a flight range of 100 km. This system is now used worldwide for various applications, from agriculture to defense and geography to mining. The devices are developed and manufactured in the .

Let us know what you think about the DeltaQuad Evo in the comments below. We are curious to hear your thoughts.

Questo articolo è apparso per la prima volta su Dronewatch ed è scritto da Wiebe de Jager che è anche un collaboratore di DroneXL.

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Wiebe de Jager
Wiebe de Jager

Wiebe de Jager è il fondatore di Dronewatch e autore di diversi bestseller sulla fotografia con i droni. Wiebe è un pilota di droni certificato e possiede una licenza ROC completa.

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