DJI Releases New Firmware Update for DJI Dock 2

DJI, a leading drone manufacturer, has recently released a new firmware update for its DJI Dock 2 system. The update, released on April 7, 2024, brings several new features and optimizations to enhance the performance and user experience of the Dock 2 system.

Key Features of DJI Dock 2 Update

The new includes the following key features:

  1. Trial Flight Support: Users can now assess the task performance and media file transfer performance after completing the dock configuration.
  2. Silent Mode: The update introduces a Silent Mode that reduces operation noise, with a slight impact on the cooling performance of the air conditioning system.
  3. License and Database Management: The update adds support for transferring and managing unlocking licenses and updating the flight safety database in DJI FlightHub 2.
  4. Camera View Switching: Users can now switch between camera views in the dock liveview to check inside or outside the dock.
  5. Flight Trajectory Playback: After completing a planned task, users can view the flight trajectory in the Task Plan Library.
  6. Optimized Live Flight Controls: The update optimizes functions for Live Flight Controls, with more information available in the DJI FlightHub 2 Release Note.


Firmware Versions

The new firmware update includes the following versions:

  • Dock Firmware: v 09.02.0108
  • Aircraft Firmware: v 09.02.0108
  • Intelligent Flight Battery: v
  • Remote Controller Firmware: v 02.01.0319
  • DJI Pilot 2 App: v
  • (Enterprise Series): v 2.1.12

It is crucial to update the firmware version for the aircraft, remote controller, and dock to ensure compatibility.

Update Methods

Users can update the firmware using the following methods:

  • Dock: DJI FlightHub 2 or DJI Assistant 2
  • Aircraft: DJI FlightHub 2, DJI Assistant 2, or the DJI Pilot 2 App
  • Remote Controller: DJI Assistant 2 or the DJI Pilot 2 App

The built-in DJI Pilot 2 App will be updated along with the Remote Controller firmware.

The new firmware update for the 2 system brings a range of new features and optimizations to enhance user experience and performance. Users are encouraged to visit the official DJI website for comprehensive safety and product information, including manuals, tutorial videos, and more details on DJI FlightHub 2.

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo è redattore capo e fondatore di, dove si occupa di tutte le notizie relative ai droni, delle indiscrezioni su DJI e scrive recensioni sui droni, e EVXL.coper tutte le notizie relative ai veicoli elettrici. È anche co-conduttore del programma Mostra dei droni PiXL su YouTube e altre piattaforme di podcast. Haye è raggiungibile all'indirizzo haye @ oppure @hayekesteloo.

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