Real Estate Drone Pilot Wins Court Case After Assault During Property Shoot

A Facebook post by real estate photographer Zach Zywiak details a harrowing encounter with an aggressive neighbor while conducting a drone shoot in Tucson, . The incident, which occurred in February, resulted in a battle that was recently resolved in Small Claims Court.

The Incident

Zywiak was operating his drone to photograph a high-value property when a neighbor allegedly assaulted him. The attack left the photographer with injuries requiring emergency room treatment and a torn shirt.

“[The neighbor] sucker punched me while I was flying my drone,” Zywiak reported. “As well as my shirt that he ripped off my body as he pushed me into a nearby creosote.”

Real Estate Drone Pilot Wins Court Case After Assault During Property Shoot 2

Court Ruling

The case was heard in Pima County Small Claims Court, where the judge ultimately ruled in Zywiak’s favor. The court’s decision was based on the implausibility of the attacker’s claims.

The judge reportedly stated, “It doesn’t make sense that this business owner would be shooting a million dollar listing and decide to attack a neighbor.”

Interestingly, the judge dismissed the relevance of the drone in the case, focusing solely on the physical assault.

Zywiak noted, “Everytime the attacker would bring it up he would say it’s not relavant to you attacking him.”

Aftermath and Precautions

Following this unsettling experience, Zywiak has implemented new safety measures:

  • Wearing a yellow vest identifying him as a operatore di droni
  • Carrying a lanyard with his license and business card
  • Setting up a 360-degree camera to record all flights

“Not a fun experience AT ALL,” Zywiak commented, underlining the seriousness of the situation.

DroneXL’s Take

This incident highlights the ongoing challenges faced by professional drone operators, even as the technology becomes more mainstream in industries like real estate. It raises important questions about public perception and the need for better regarding drone operations.

With the recent implementation of , which allows the public to track piloti di droni’ locations, we must ask: Have piloti di droni experienced increased aggression? This was a wildly shared concern among professional drone pilots when the FAA introduced Remote ID, and Zywiak’s experience may indicate that these fears were not unfounded.

As the continues to evolve, it’s crucial that both operators and the public work towards a better understanding and acceptance of this valuable technology. Incidents like this underscore the importance of clear communication, proper identification, and proactive safety measures for piloti di droni.

Photos courtesy of Zach Zywiak.

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo è redattore capo e fondatore di, dove si occupa di tutte le notizie relative ai droni, delle indiscrezioni su DJI e scrive recensioni sui droni, e EVXL.coper tutte le notizie relative ai veicoli elettrici. È anche co-conduttore del programma Mostra dei droni PiXL su YouTube e altre piattaforme di podcast. Haye è raggiungibile all'indirizzo haye @ oppure @hayekesteloo.

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