Condor drone testing successful says Drone Delivery Canada

Drone Delivery Canada Corp. is pleased to provide an update on the Condor drone from successful testing in Foremost, Alberta, .

Drone Delivery Canada announces update on successful Condor drone testing

The Company successfully tested numerous critical aspects of the Condor, including triple-redundant communications system (satellite, cellular, 900MHz RF); triple-redundant navigational guidance system; triple-redundant autopilot system; monitoring of unmanned flights remotely from DDC’s Operations Control Centre in Vaughan, Ontario; general flight stability and performance; and fuel consumption characteristics.

The Company expects to complete further Condor testing in Q4 2020 in preparation for commercialization. A Condor unit is also being prepared for future commercial customer operations. The Company currently has three Condor units.

Condor Drone Testing Successful Says Drone Delivery Canada 1

Condor Drone Testing Successful Says Drone Delivery Canada 2

The Condor is currently the Company’s largest drone with an expected range of 200km and a payload capacity of 180kg and is fully integrated with the Company’s patented FLYTE software system. The solution is marketed in a managed service SaaS business model in Canada and as a licensed managed service internationally.

“We are very pleased with the ongoing successful testing results of the Condor. By the end of 2020, we also expect to have testing on the Robin XL completed. The Sparrow, Robin XL, and Condor all have unique use-case applications based on range and payload capabilities, and we are excited to have all three coming to market. Pre-selling efforts are underway and the market response has been very favorable in Canada and internationally. We continue to be a leader in the industry with our advanced, proven solution,” said Michael Zahra, President & CEO of DDC.

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Condor Drone Testing Successful Says Drone Delivery Canada 3

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Photo credit: Drone Delivery Canada Condor (CNW Group/Drone Delivery Canada)




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