Transforming Sky Travel: FAA’s New Pilot Training Proposal

In a significant move towards the safe integration of advanced air mobility, the 連邦航空局(FAA) has put forward a comprehensive proposal for pilot training and certification for powered-lift aircraft.

Acting Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety, David Boulter, asserts, “These proposed rules of the sky will safely usher in this new era of aviation and provide the certainty the industry needs to develop.”

FAA’s New Pilot Training Proposal

The new rules cater to the unique nature of these air taxis, which are designed to take off and land like helicopters while cruising like airplanes. To streamline their operations, the FAA has outlined clear requirements and expectations within the proposed rule.

Crucially, pilots will be given a direct route to acquire powered-lift ratings that are specific to each aircraft type. Additionally, pilots employed by powered-lift aircraft manufacturers are proposed to serve as the initial group of flight instructors. They would be tasked with training the next generation of instructors at flight schools, training centers, and air carriers.

To expedite the certification of pilots, the proposal includes alternative eligibility criteria that would enable qualified pilots to fulfill flight-time experience requirements more rapidly. This provision would apply to pilots already holding a commercial pilot certificate and those who are instrument-rated.

Operating rules for powered-lift aircraft are set to align with those governing traditional aircraft utilized in private, commercial, and air tour flights. The proposed rule also aims to comply with International Civil Aviation Organization requirements, facilitating U.S. pilots to operate internationally.

The FAA welcomes public comments on the proposed rule, with a 60-day window following its publication in the . This initiative follows closely on the heels of the FAA’s recent release of an updated blueprint for airspace and procedure changes, prepared in anticipation of future air taxis.




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