FBI Reveals Drone’s Role in Attempted Assassination of Former President Trump
In a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray disclosed crucial information about the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, highlighting the unexpected role of a small DJI drone in the incident.
Drone Discovery and Usage
FBI investigators found a drone in the shooter’s car, which provided valuable insights into the suspect’s pre-attack surveillance.
Wray stated, “By exploiting it, we determined its use and flight paths.”
The drone was flown for approximately 11 minutes, from 3:50 PM to 4:00 PM, about 200 yards away from Trump’s speaking location. Note: The Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) that was in affect on July 13th was only from 16:20 until 18:15.
Surveillance Tactics
The drone’s flight path revealed a strategic vantage point.
“The drone would have given him a vantage point looking back towards the podium, almost like a rear-view mirror of the scene behind him,” Wray explained. This positioning allowed the shooter to assess the area behind where he would later attempt the assassination.
Live-Streaming Suspicions
Interestingly, no recordings were found on the drone itself.
Wray commented, “We believe he was live-streaming the footage, as there’s no recording of what he saw during those 11 minutes.” This suggests the shooter may have been using real-time data to plan his attack.
Ongoing Investigation
The FBI is still piecing together the exact information the shooter gathered.
“We’re still trying to determine exactly what he could see from the drone’s flight pattern and capabilities during that time,” Wray added. The drone’s flight path was not directly over the rally but provided a view of the podium from about a football field’s length away.
Additional Attack Details
While the drone’s role was a key focus, Wray also revealed other details about the attack:
- At least eight shots were fired, evidenced by recovered cartridges on the roof.
- The shooter’s weapon had a collapsible stock, potentially making it less noticeable.
- The investigation is ongoing, with physical evidence at the scene consistent with witness testimony so far.
DroneXL’s Take
This incident underscores the dual-use nature of ドローン技術. While drones have countless beneficial applications, from crime-solving to delivery services, this case highlights the need for continued vigilance and responsible use. It’s crucial to remember that the vast majority of drone operations contribute positively to society, and incidents like these should not overshadow the technology’s immense potential for good. As the ドローン産業 continues to evolve, balancing innovation with security will remain a key challenge for regulators and manufacturers alike.
提案されている法案は、楽しみ、仕事、安全のためにドローンを使用するあなたの能力を脅かす。その ドローン擁護同盟 私たちと一緒に、あなたの選挙で選ばれた議員に、空を飛ぶ権利を守るよう訴えましょう。
テストに合格して、空へ飛び立とう。 パイロット・インスティテュート.私たちは、何千人もの人々が飛行機や商業ドローンパイロットになるのを助けてきました。私たちのコースは、FAAのテストに合格し、あなたの夢を達成するために、業界の専門家によって設計されています。
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