New Heavy-Lift DJI Flycart 30 Drone Could Revolutionize Search and Rescue Operations in Weber County

The Weber County Sheriff’s Office in is testing a groundbreaking drone that could significantly enhance their capabilities. As reported by KSL TV, this innovative unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the , has the potential to transform how emergency supplies are delivered in challenging terrain.

A Mini Cooper-Sized Aerial Powerhouse

The drone, on loan from DJI, is a substantial piece of equipment. Lt. Mark Horton of the Weber County Sheriff’s Office described it as “the size of a mini-cooper,” emphasizing its impressive payload capacity:

“[The drone] could carry more than 80 pounds of items, such as a stretcher, medical supplies, and climbing gear.”

This heavyweight capability is coupled with a range of approximately six miles, making it a versatile tool for various rescue scenarios.

New Heavy-Lift Dji Flycart 30 Drone Could Revolutionize Search And Rescue Operations In Weber County 2

Streamlining Rescue Operations

The primary advantage of this drone lies in its ability to expedite the delivery of crucial equipment to rescue sites. Lt. Horton explained the potential impact:

“If you’re carrying stokes baskets and wheel litters and EKGs and medical supplies, it’s going to slow your time down, especially going uphill. And if this drone is carrying those supplies up, we’re thinking that response time is going to be significantly quicker.”

By offloading the transport of heavy gear to the drone, rescue personnel can reach victims faster and with less fatigue, potentially saving precious minutes in life-threatening situations.

New Heavy-Lift Dji Flycart 30 Drone Could Revolutionize Search And Rescue Operations In Weber County 3

Extended Trial Period

DJI has loaned the drone to the Weber County Sheriff’s Office for a nine-month period. This extended trial will allow deputies to evaluate the drone’s performance across different seasonal conditions – summer, fall, and winter.

“We just had it for a week or two. We’re still learning some of the functions of it and what it will do,” Horton said. He expressed optimism about the drone’s potential, adding, “Hopefully, we can then put it to good use here in upcoming months.”

DroneXL’s Take

This trial in Weber County exemplifies the growing role of drones in emergency services. As we’ve seen in recent search and rescue operations, UAVs are becoming indispensable tools for . The ability to carry substantial payloads over challenging terrain could be a game-changer, especially in areas with difficult access.

While this particular drone is notably larger than most consumer models, it represents a growing trend towards more capable, task-specific drones in professional settings. As battery technology and drone designs continue to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications in the field of emergency response.

Photo courtesy of Mike Anderson, KSL TV and Weber County Sheriff’s Office.




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