The little drone that could… flew its own weight in drugs
The little drone that could… flew its own weight in drugs across the border with 멕시코. A 249g weighing DJI 미니 2 flew 259 g of methamphetamine across the US border wall.
On October 7, 2021, according to the affidavit, a DJI 미니 2 was seen flying over the 25-foot high border fence that separates the 미국 and Mexico.
DEA agent, Sean Turpie who is with the San Ysidro District Office witnessed the mini drone flying across the border and land in a nearby parking lot.
Within moments a grey Mercedes-Benz arrived with a man ready to pick up the drone and its illegal payload. Before he could take off, however, the agent intervened.
The little drone is under investigation
Now the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is investigating the drone and looking for evidence that might help them identify the drone pilot, according to a recently released search warrant.
The search warrant does not specify if the Chinese drone maker DJI will be asked to work with the DEA and share information about the drone, its owner, and this particular flight.
Various videos (여기 그리고 여기) on YouTube show that a DJI mini 2 can in fact carry more than its own weight for a brief period.
In this area, it is common for human / narcotics smuggling organizations to use drones to fly over the boundary fence and assist and / or facilitate their criminal operations in the United States,” the agent said.
The little drone did not fly very far and landed in one of the parking lots right across the US-Mexico border.
You can find the warrant 여기.
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