PiXL Drone Show #46 – Sony Airpeak and Real Estate Photography

Welcome to this latest episode of our PIXL Drone Show. This week we talked to Drew Armstrong, from Armstrong Finders and Associates about the new Airpeak drone.

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Welcome to the PIXL Drone Show – where you can get the latest industry news. Our goal is to deliver drone news you can use.

We have conversations with leading UAS industry experts on the podcast. We also have the latest information on upcoming drones from manufacturers like , Sony, DJI, Autel, and more. We also discuss FAA drone regulations and laws. Our goal is to provide high-quality and timely information for both commercial drone pilots and recreational users. The is rapidly growing and our goal is to be your go-to resource.

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Drew talks about Sony Airpeak

This week we talked to Drew Armstrong, from Armstrong Finders and Associates. Drew has a Sony Airpeak and we’ll be focusing on the Sony Airpeak today. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of the airpeak, other drones used for real estate photography, how they compare, what led Drew to the Airpeak.

Drew’s Website: https://www.utahrealestate.net/

  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 8:36 About Drew’s firm
  • 17:50 How difficult is it to sell clients on drone packages?
  • 22:02 What drones do you use?
  • 27:00 Pros of the Airpeak?
  • 51:06 What if any modifications have you done?
  • 53:02 Improvements to the airpeak
  • 1:01:48 What do you think is Sony’s Strategy?
  • 1:08:43 Should sony have a consumer drone?
YouTube video
Pixl Drone Show #46 - Sony Airpeak And Real Estate Photography 1

Part 107 인증서 받기

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