드래건플라이, 66파운드 이상의 적재 하중을 갖춘 헤비 리프트 화물 드론 출시

The Canadian company 드라간플라이 has introduced a cargo drone with a payload of no less than 66 lbs. The Heavy Lift, as the drone has been christened, can cover distances of up to 19 miles. In addition to the Heavy Lift drone, also comes with the multi-deployable Commander 3 XL drone. Both drones can be equipped with a new long-range to map large areas.

Heavy Lift cargo drone

The Heavy Lift cargo drone is intended to transport relatively heavy goods. The drone can carry payloads up to 66 lbs. Thanks to LTE, the drone can fly far beyond the visual line of sight () of the pilot. The maximum flight time is 55 minutes. This means that distances of up to 19 miles can be bridged. According to Draganfly, the drone can perform manually controlled and fully automatic flights.

Commander 3 XL drone

In addition to the Heavy Lift, Draganfly also comes with a smaller system, the Commander 3 XL. This drone can be used for many different tasks. The system can transport loads of up to 29 lbs and deposit them at the destination using a parachute or winch. The drone can also be used in rain and snow.

드래건플라이, 66파운드 이상의 적재 하중을 갖춘 헤비 리프트 화물 드론 출시

Long range LiDAR

Draganfly emphasizes that both systems can be equipped with the new long-range LiDAR from the company’s range. It is also possible to mount inspection cameras and thermal imagers. The large range of the drones makes it possible to map large areas of territory or inspect installations.

The newly announced Draganfly long-range LiDAR laser scanning system integrates some of the industry leader Teledyne’s most advanced sensors with an IMU+GNSS from Trimble subsidiary Applanix. The result is a scanning range of 750 m and an accuracy of up to 2 cm, capturing 2 million points per second.

Let us know in the comments below what you think of the Heavy Lift cargo drone from Draganfly.

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위베 드 예거
위베 드 예거

Wiebe de Jager is the founder of Dronewatch and author of several bestselling books about drone photography. Wiebe is a certified drone pilot and has a full ROC license.

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