오늘 밤 캔디 크러쉬 드론 쇼에서 500대의 드론이 뉴욕의 스카이라인을 밝힐 예정입니다!
Tonight, 500 drones will light up the skies above the New York City skyline in a Candy Crush drone show to commemorate the ten-year anniversary of the mobile game.
A drone company located in Virginia known as Pixis is the one responsible for organizing the drone show.
Fans of the video game Candy Crush are being asked by the company that makes the game, King, to make reservations at Battery Park Esplanade by 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) if they want to witness the drone show.
Candy Crush drone show
그리고 Drone Light Show will run for ten minutes, and everyone within a one-mile radius of Battery Park will be able to see the drones performing over the Hudson River. According to Jeff Kaplan, the general manager of Pixis, the next variant of the drone will boost that distance to three miles.
According to Fernanda Romano, the chief marketing officer of Candy Crush, drone light shows enable businesses to “turn the sky into the largest screen on the planet.”
Kaplan was quoted as saying, “This is the next wave,” and he added that the cityscape of New York was an “amazing canvas to work with.”
To avoid running into NYC’s ancient Avigation Law, the drone show will launch from Liberty State Park on the other side of the Hudson River in 뉴저지.
A spokeswoman verified that a special use permission was issued for the event, despite the fact that the usage of drones is normally prohibited in New Jersey state parks.
In addition, Pixis successfully obtained a waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which enabled the displays to take place in federal airspace.
According to a representative for the FAA, the agency conducts a comprehensive evaluation of all applications for drone shows to guarantee everyone’s safety, both in the air and on the ground.
Not everybody is excited about the Candy Crush drone light show over the Hudson River.
According to Dustin Partridge, the director of conservation and research at NYC Audubon, the artificial light would most likely disturb the flight patterns of thousands of birds that are migrating above, which might lead to crashes. This is a real possibility since bird migration is now in full flow.
“The Hudson is an important flyway for birds, and luckily it’s been dark,” Partridge said. “To come in like this without thinking about the impacts on the environment and the birds that will be flying in the same air space as those drones is surprising.”
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