I 랩터 보안 점검, NV 모기 퇴치 드론 및 SkyeBrowse

Welcome to weekly UAS News update. We have three stories for you this week: Anzu Raptor passes security checks, a mosquito busting drone, and finally SkyeBrowse new partnership with RSET.

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Anzu Raptor Passes Security Checks

has successfully completed the White Knight Labs penetration test. The penetration testing of the Anzu Raptor includes static and dynamic traffic analysis, data transmission security, and removal of references to Chinese domains. These tests reinforce that the Raptor is a secure platform and that all the drone’s data remains in the US-based servers. If you want more information about this, we’ll put a link down in the description.

Mosquito Busting Drone

Next up, is using drones to combat mosquitoes. That’s something that we actually need pretty badly as well here in . The operation will dispense a granular product in remote areas where mosquitoes are prevalent to target the larvae of the mosquito. The unnamed product is traditionally dropped via helicopter away from residential areas, businesses, and buildings. There’s no word on the particular drone that will be used at the moment for this mission, only that it measures 9 ft by 9 ft and carries 100 pounds of the anti-mosquito payload. We’ll keep you updated if we see more of this, but I know a lot of states probably can use this. I used to live in , and the mosquitoes over there were pretty bad. This is something that would be very useful.

SkyeBrowse New Partnership with RSET

Last up is SkyeBrowse, which has partnered with RSET. If you’re not familiar, RSET uses virtual reality to assist in training Public Safety and Military customers. RSET will now accept SkyeBrowse models for disaster response training, active shooter drills, and firefighting exercises. Pretty awesome use of 3D models if you ask us, and congrats to our friends at SkyBrowse.

Drone Photo Contest Winner

Finally, I’m excited to announce that we have our first winner of the Drone Photo Contest that we’ve been having on The Community. The winner is Ronnie Wells from . You can see the picture here that won. We had over 400 submissions for this, and Ronnie will be getting this awesome trophy that we designed specifically for this contest with his name, the month, and the year. Very unique, and of course, bragging rights for being the first one to win. Also, he’ll be getting a $250 gift card from us. Congratulations!

If you’re interested in participating in the June photo contest, it will be released very soon. We’ll be able to submit, and then we’ll have voting by the end of the month.

That’s it! You have a great weekend. We’ll see you on Monday for the live show.

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Part 107 인증서 받기

Pass the Part 107 test and take to the skies with the 파일럿 연구소. 수천 명의 사람들이 비행기 및 상업용 드론 조종사가 될 수 있도록 도와주었습니다. 저희 과정은 업계 전문가들이 FAA 시험에 합격하고 꿈을 이룰 수 있도록 설계했습니다.

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