Annapolis Police Consider Drone Program for Rapid Crime Scene Response

Annapolis city officials are exploring the implementation of a drone program to enhance response capabilities, according to a recent report from Capital Gazette. The proposed initiative aims to provide law enforcement with a bird’s-eye view of crime scenes, potentially improving suspect tracking and overall situational awareness.

Inspiration from Hagerstown’s Success

The Annapolis City Council and Police Department have been in discussions with officials from Hagerstown since June 2023, studying their existing drone program. Hagerstown Police successfully deployed drones in 2023 to address issues with dirt bike riders causing disturbances in the city.

Captain Tom Langston of the Hagerstown Police Department highlighted the benefits:

“It expands our capabilities and allows our officers to operate much more safely.”

In Hagerstown, drones serve multiple purposes, including searching for missing persons, monitoring large events, and reconstructing traffic accidents.

Potential Applications and Concerns

Ward 5 Alderman Brooks Schandelmeier emphasized the program’s focus on speed and aerial perspective:

“It is about speed and a bird’s-eye-view where you can track suspects a lot easier than you could on the ground.”

He also noted the drones’ ability to track body heat, potentially locating individuals in covered areas like woods.

However, the initiative is still in its early stages. Annapolis Police Maj. Stan Brandford, the department’s deputy chief, stressed the importance of public understanding and policy development before implementation.

“There has to be some groundwork as to what this structure is going to look like, and some policies need to be written to figure out what they’ll be used for,” Brandford stated.

Privacy and Civil Rights Considerations

Officials are keen to address potential privacy concerns. Schandelmeier clarified that the drone fleet would not be a “constant monitoring tool,” distinguishing it from controversial programs like the Baltimore City Police’s spy plane, which was deemed unconstitutional in 2021.

The city’s Office of Law would need to develop policies that address privacy concerns and ensure civil rights protections. Public input will also be sought as part of the decision-making process.

Next Steps

While enthusiasm for the program is evident, officials recognize the need for careful planning. “It’s something we want to get right,” Schandelmeier said, acknowledging the balance between eagerness to implement and the necessity of thorough preparation.

As discussions continue, Annapolis residents can expect more information and opportunities for input on this potential new tool for law enforcement.

DroneXL’s Take

The potential adoption of by the Annapolis Police Department reflects a growing trend in law enforcement agencies leveraging unmanned aerial systems for public safety. This move aligns with the increasing recognition of drones as valuable tools for , offering enhanced situational awareness and improved officer safety.

While privacy concerns are valid and must be addressed, the focus on rapid response rather than constant surveillance is a positive approach. The success of similar programs, like in Hagerstown, demonstrates the potential benefits of drone technology in law enforcement when implemented responsibly.

As drone technology continues to evolve, it’s likely we’ll see more police departments across the exploring similar programs. The key will be striking the right balance between leveraging these tools for public safety and maintaining privacy protections for citizens.

Photo courtesy of Capital Gazette and the Annapolis City Council and Police Department.

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