National Parks Restrict Drone Use, Citing Safety and Wildlife Concerns
The National Park Service (NPS) has implemented widespread restrictions on uncrewed aircraft, commonly known as drones, in most National Parks across the 미국. This decision comes in response to growing concerns about visitor safety, wildlife disturbance, and noise complaints.
Dramatic Growth in Drone Use Prompts Action
The NPS defines uncrewed aircraft as any device used for flight without direct human intervention, including model airplanes, quadcopters, and drones used for recreation or commercial purposes. With the rapid increase in drone popularity, parks have experienced several incidents:
- Drones crashing into geysers at Yellowstone National Park
- Attempted landings on Mount Rushmore National Memorial
- Drones lost over the Grand Canyon
- Flights in prohibited airspace over the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
Policy Details and Enforcement
In June 2014, the NPS director issued Policy Memorandum 14-05, directing park superintendents to prohibit the launching, landing, or operation of uncrewed aircraft within park boundaries. This policy remains in effect with very few exceptions.
“Due to serious concerns about the negative impact that flying uncrewed aircraft can have for safety of visitors, staff, and Wildlife, they have been restricted in all but a few parks,” an NPS spokesperson explained.
Violation of this ban is considered a misdemeanor, with potential penalties including up to six months in jail and a $5,000 fine. Park rangers have discretion to evaluate potential violations on a case-by-case basis.
Limited Exceptions for Official Use
While recreational drone use is broadly prohibited, the NPS does utilize uncrewed aircraft for specific administrative purposes when approved by regional directors. These may include:
- Search and Rescue operations
- Fire management
- Scientific studies
- Aerial photography
For example, Grand Canyon National Park has established a fleet of uncrewed aircraft to assist with ranger operations like search and rescue missions.
DroneXL’s Take
The NPS drone restrictions highlight the ongoing challenge of balancing technological innovation with environmental and safety concerns in protected areas. As 드론 기술 continues to advance, it’s crucial to find ways to harness its benefits while minimizing potential negative impacts.
Recent articles on DroneXL’s search and rescue category have showcased the life-saving potential of drones in emergency situations. Moving forward, it will be interesting to see if the NPS considers expanding controlled drone use for visitor safety and park management while maintaining strict regulations on recreational flights.
Photo copyright DroneXL.
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Up here in Canada it is illegal to fly drones in a national park without express permission and yet, I see so many drone photos of Jasper and Banff that I am sure are taken without permission.