Beverly Hills Opposes Bill Banning Chinese-Made Police Drones

The Beverly Hills City Council has voted 4-1 to oppose Senate Bill 99, which would prohibit the use of several drones operated by the Beverly Hills Department (BHPD). This information comes from a report on the Beverly Hills city website.

Proposed Bill Targets Chinese-Made Drones

SB 99, authored by Senator Tom Umberg (D-Santa Ana), aims to prevent cities from purchasing military equipment from manufacturers banned by the U.S. Armed Forces. This legislation would affect several of BHPD’s drones, which are produced by Chinese manufacturer DJI.

Senator Umberg stated, “The fact that the Pentagon has prohibited equipment from a specific company due to fears of spying should raise bright red flags for all consumers.”

BHPD’s Stance on Drone Security

BHPD opposes the bill, asserting that its drones are well-protected against cybersecurity threats and provide crucial security services to the city. Lieutenant Todd Withers explained:

“We feel pretty comfortable that no data transmission is going back to any Chinese organizations.”

The department uses Motorola Cape software for end-to-end encryption of all transmissions from their Real Time Watch Center.

Cost and Performance Considerations

BHPD’s research into drone manufacturers revealed that DJI offers unmatched price points and technology sophistication. American alternatives are $6,000 to $8,000 more expensive than current DJI products.

Lt. Withers noted, “There’s plenty [of American drones] that are up and coming and probably viable candidates within the next few years. They’re just not at the level of clarity for camera and flight characteristics that our drones produce right now.”

Bill’s Progress and Opposition

SB 99 passed the Senate floor on May 22 and is currently under consideration in the Assembly. The League of Cities and the California State Sheriffs’ Association also oppose the bill, citing concerns about increased costs and reduced effectiveness of law enforcement operations.

DroneXL’s Take

The debate surrounding SB 99 highlights the ongoing tension between national security concerns and the practical needs of local law enforcement agencies. As we’ve seen in recent coverage of DJI drones, the issue of with Chinese-made drones remains a contentious topic.

While the BHPD claims to have robust security measures in place, the broader implications of relying on potentially compromised technology cannot be ignored. As the evolves, it will be crucial for American manufacturers to develop competitive alternatives that meet both security and performance requirements for law enforcement agencies.

Photo courtesy of DJI

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