Michigan Invests $6 Million in Advanced Aerial Mobility Projects

is taking a significant step towards becoming a leader in drone and unpiloted aircraft technology. The state has announced a $6 million investment in four projects aimed at scaling up infrastructure for advanced aerial mobility.

Funding the Future of Flight

The Advanced Aerial Mobility Activation Fund, a collaborative effort between state agencies, is providing the grant money. This initiative aims to create high-tech jobs, grow cutting-edge businesses, and enhance the quality of life for Michigan residents.

Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist II highlighted the economic potential, stating, “Advanced air mobility is an incredible economic opportunity for the state of Michigan.”

Focus on Middle-Mile Movements

Michigan Chief Mobility Officer Justine Johnson explained that the projects will concentrate on “middle-mile movements,” which typically involve transporting goods between ports, warehouses, and distribution centers.

Drones as First Responders

One of the exciting applications being explored is the use of drones in emergency response. Matthew Whitaker, director of the Mobility Innovation Platform at Michigan Central, emphasized this potential:

“Drone as a first responder is really a huge opportunity. You think about the response time for fire and medical and the ability to have a drone get on site, understand what’s happening even before the themselves can arrive.”

Construction Site Management and Workforce Development

The program also aims to utilize drones for construction site management, helping to track building activity and provide measurements. Additionally, Michigan Central is partnering with Code 313 in Detroit to train the next generation of 드론 조종사, with over 80 students aged 16-18 earning remote pilot certifications.

Two-Year Pilot Program Participants

The two-year pilot program includes four main participants:

  1. Michigan Central
  2. BETA Technologies
  3. Skyports
  4. Traverse Connect

DroneXL’s Take

This investment by Michigan aligns with the growing trend of drone industry expansion across the . As we’ve seen in recent articles about positioning itself as a leader, states are recognizing the economic and technological benefits of embracing advanced aerial mobility. Michigan’s focus on middle-mile logistics and emergency response applications demonstrates the practical value drones can bring to communities and businesses alike.

Photo courtesy of Michigan

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