DJI Neo: New Compact Drone Revealed in FCC Filings

According to recent FCC filings, DJI is developing a new drone called the . This compact unmanned aircraft could potentially revolutionize the consumer and first responder drone market with its pocket-sized design and unique features.

DJI Neo Key Specifications

The FCC label for the DJI Neo provides some crucial information:

  • Model number: DN1A0626
  • Battery: 7.3V, 1435mAh (10.5 Wh)
  • Input: 5V, 3A max

Size and Weight Speculation

Drone expert Weiliang Zhang shared some insights on LinkedIn:

“Following the usual 30% rule for DJI drone weight, Neo’s estimated weight will be 169g. I am going to guess this is something like the Hover drone with full propeller cage and compact enough to put into your pocket when folded.”

Zhang estimates the battery weight at 52.5g, assuming a 200 Wh/kg energy density. This leads to a projected flight time of about 15 minutes.

Potential Design and Features

De DJI Neo appears to be significantly smaller than other popular DJI models. For comparison, the DJI Air 3 has a 4241 mAh battery, while the DJI Avata 2 uses a 2150 mAh battery.

Zhang speculates that the DJI Neo might feature:

  • A full propeller cage
  • Foldable design for pocket portability
  • Single-axis gimbal

Zhang’s speculations seem to match the prototype drone in the video shared by OsitaLV quite nicely.

Regulatory Compliance

The FCC label confirms that the DJI Neo complies with Part 15 of FCC rules, ensuring it won’t cause harmful interference and can accept interference from other devices.

Dji Neo: New Compact Drone Revealed In Fcc Filings 2

DroneXL’s Take

De DJI Neo represents an exciting development in the consumer drone market. Its compact size and potential for indoor use could make it an ideal tool for and law enforcement agencies.

As we reported earlier on DroneXL, DJI has been testing new drone models, including what appears to be the DJI Air 3S and another prototype. The DJI Neo could be this mysterious new model, designed to compete with specialized drones from companies like en in the Drones as First Responders market.

The DJI Neo’s compact design and potential for advanced features like obstacle avoidance and subject tracking could give it a significant edge in this growing sector. As continues to evolve, we’re excited to see how the DJI Neo will push the boundaries of what’s possible in a pocket-sized drone.

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo is hoofdredacteur en oprichter van, waar hij al het nieuws over drones en DJI-geruchten verslaat en drone-reviews schrijft, en EVXL.covoor al het nieuws over elektrische voertuigen. Hij is ook medepresentator van de PiXL Drone Show op YouTube en andere podcastplatforms. Haye kan worden bereikt op haye @ of @hayekesteloo.

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