
Police Drone Use: Explore the impact of drones in law enforcement. Stay informed on the latest news, trends, and regulations surrounding police drone use.

Hextronics Unveils Docking Station For Dji M300 Rtk

Hextronics Unveils Docking Station for DJI M300 RTK

The DJI M300 RTK is widely used for industrial and security applications, such as asset inspections and surveillance flights. However, the trend is to largely automate such flights and have them run from docking stations so that they can be…

Toronto Police Drone Program Is Hugely Successful

Toronto police drone program is the future officers say

Since 2016, the Toronto Police drone program used unmanned aircraft successfully to document accident scenes, monitor protests, find missing people, and more. The police department now has 24 licensed pilots and uses 16 police drones. Toronto police drone program is…
