Berrien County Sheriff’s Office’s buys thermal police drone with donations
Local donations made it possible for the Berrien County Sheriff’s Office in Michigan to purchase a new thermal drone da polícia, announced Sheriff Paul Bailey on December 22nd.
Berrien County Sheriff’s Office’s buys thermal police drone with donations
The new thermal police drone that costs more than $11,000 can provide an aerial view of the crime or crash scene and would help Polícia officers to find a suspect or missing person in low-light conditions, Bailey said.
“We are very grateful for the support of both Honor Credit Union and Starks Family Funeral Homes to help us acquire this extremely useful tool. Drones provide a valuable resource for law enforcement and provide a great tool for us to continue to serve and protect our communities,” Bailey said according to 3WWMT.
The police department had planned to buy the Autel EVO II Dual de Autel Robotics.
Over recent years many more police departments have been buying drones and especially thermal drones to help them investigate crime scenes, find suspects, map the scene of an accident and find missing people. Thermal drones can range in price from $3,500 to $10,000 for the lower range models to $25,000 and upwards for the larger more sophisticated thermal drones, such as the DJI Matrice 300.
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Photo credit: WWMT/Berrien County Sheriff Office
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