DJI Neo Drone Unveiled: Compact Design with Innovative Features

Jasper Ellens, a drone enthusiast and industry insider, has shared new details about the upcoming drone, revealing several exciting features and design elements.

READ MORE: DJI Neo: The Ultimate Beginner Drone for Gen Z and Beyond

Compact Design with Swappable Batteries

O DJI Neo appears to be a compact drone with a design reminiscent of the . Ellens notes that the battery design (1435mAh) is similar to the DJI Spark, allowing for easy swapping to extend flight time.

He mentions, “You click them under the drone and easily swap them to continue flying.”

Dji Neo Drone Unveiled: Compact Design With Innovative Features 1

Advanced Connectivity Options

One of the standout features of the DJI Neo is its connectivity options. Ellens confirms that the drone can be operated via Bluetooth connection, stating:

“I can also confirm the ‘drone only’ package to fly the bird over #bluetooth connection. Who needs remotes if you have your phone and voicecontrol, right?”

Sport Mode and Remote Control

O DJI Neo will come with a dedicated remote control that includes a sport mode, enhancing the drone’s versatility for different flying styles. Ellens expressed enthusiasm about this feature:

“I am pleased to see sport mode is available on the RC.”

Propeller Design and Accessories

The new standard propellers for the DJI Neo are described as “definitely #THICK” by Ellens, comparing them to low-noise propellers designed for other models. Additionally, the drone comes with removable propeller guards, which Ellens mentions will cost only $15 to replace.

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Fly More Combo and Pricing

While exact pricing details are not provided, Ellens refers to a “Fly more combo,” suggesting that DJI will offer a package deal with additional accessories, as they have done with previous models.

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Dji Neo Drone Unveiled: Compact Design With Innovative Features 4

DroneXL’s Take

O DJI Neo appears to be an exciting addition to DJI’s lineup, potentially filling a niche for users seeking a compact, versatile drone with advanced connectivity options. This aligns with the growing trend of drone technology advancements that we’ve been covering at DroneXL. The inclusion of voice control and Bluetooth connectivity could make drone flying more accessible to new users, while the sport mode will likely appeal to more experienced pilots. As we await the official launch, it’s clear that DJI continues to innovate in the consumer drone market.

Photo courtesy of Jasper Ellens | X27

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Haye Kesteloo
Haye Kesteloo

Haye Kesteloo é editora-chefe e fundadora do, onde ele cobre todas as notícias relacionadas a drones, rumores sobre a DJI e escreve análises de drones, e EVXL.copara todas as notícias relacionadas a veículos elétricos. Ele também é co-apresentador do programa PiXL Drone Show no YouTube e em outras plataformas de podcast. Haye pode ser contatado em haye @ ou @hayekesteloo.

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