Residents in rural North Carolina will soon get meds delivered by drone
Drug-maker Merck and drone-maker Volansi have teamed up to deliver medication to residents in rural parts of North Carolina.
Drone Delivery: Discover the future of delivery by drone. Stay updated on the latest advancements in drone delivery technology and its global impact.
Drug-maker Merck and drone-maker Volansi have teamed up to deliver medication to residents in rural parts of North Carolina.
Recently Walmart launched a pilot program that uses drones to deliver COVID-19 test kits in Nevada. This week Walmart delivered the first COVID-19 test kit to a customer in New York.
Well here’s is something you don’t see every day (yet). Bacon delivered by drone, a DJI Phantom 4 drone to be exact. Earlier this month in Galesburg, Illinois a drone delivered a package of bacon to Lacie Ball and her…
On October 5, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) submitted the final rules for Remote Identification of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Remote ID for Drones) and Operations of Small Unmanned Aircraft Over People to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The…
Swoop Aero ready to launch “phase two” of its medical drone program in Congo. The Australia-based drone startup will use its drones to join the government in its fight against COVID-19, ebola, and other major diseases.
Dutch Drone Delta held a new trial during which a drone delivered a package to the inland vessel Duancis. During this operation, Duancis was moving at normal speed along the waterway near Brienenoord Island. This was the second of a…
Drone delivery startup, Zipline is looking to expand its team and one of the openings that is currently available is the position of a systems engineer. sounds interesting to you? Well, keep reading! Btw – Zipline is one of, if…
After successful trials in Canberra and Logan, Queensland, Google’s Wing expands drone deliveries to new locations in Australia in the coming months.
Last week, MissionGO and Nevada Donor Network announced that they had successfully transported by drone a human kidney over the Las Vegas desert in Nevada. Could this become the future of organ transportation?
Dr. Jessica Zègre-Hemsey and her team published the results of their drone study in The New England Journal of Medicine (September 17, 2020). The study was supported by a grant from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NC TraCS),…
Details published by the European Patent Office show that Amazon has filed for a patent to teach autonomous drones about flight speed, lift-off, rolls, and landings with the use of flight simulators.
Walmart said today that it would start delivering COVID-19 test kits by drone through an automated drone delivery system to customers’ doorsteps in a pilot project.
In an exciting news release today, Walmarts announces that it has teamed up with Zipline to deliver packages in a way that is convenient, fast, and safe, i.e. Delivery by Drone. Zipline was recently approved to start testing its drone…
After Amazon and Walmart the UK’s supermarket giant cannot be left behind. Tesco announces that the company has partnered with drone startup Manna Aero to start testing a home drone delivery service in Co Galway, Ireland.
Walmart has started testing delivery drones in Fayetteville, North Carolina in an effort to keep up with Amazon, whose subsidiary Amazon Prime Air recently received FAA-approval to deliver packages by drone under their Part 135 certification.
Drone Delivery Canada Corp. is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Manish Arora as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Company, effective September 8th, 2020.
Latin American drone startup Speedbird Aero has been approved for experimental deliveries with drones by the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency, also known as ANAC.
On Thursday, weed was dropped over Rabin Square in Tel Aviv with a high-flying drone by activists seeking to legalize the drug in Israel. The free weed was promised by the activists on social media beforehand.
Drone Delivery Canada Corp. is pleased to provide an update on the Condor drone from successful testing in Foremost, Alberta, Canada.
Drone Express is testing its drone delivery service in Springfield, Ohio. The drone delivery company is a division of the New Jersey-based, high-tech logistics company Telegrid.
Finally, approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the Amazon Prime Air drone delivery fleet. The approval designates Amazon Prime Air as an ‘air carrier’ and provides the company with broad privileges to ‘safely and efficiently deliver packages to…
Matternet’s M2 drone system enables new U.S. Hospital Delivery Network. New service in collaboration with UPS Flight Forward (UPSFF) will carry patient-specific time- and temperature-sensitive medicines and PPE for medical professionals treating COVID-19.
Drone delivery company Wing has a new head of operations as the Alphabet subsidiary is looking to expand its global reach.
Drone Delivery Canada delivers pandemic supplies to Ontario First Nation by unmanned aircraft to ensure contact-free shipments of protective equipment and testing supplies.
With a $1 million state grant, the Elizabeth City State University plans to use drones to deliver Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) test kits to help fight COVID-19 in rural areas of Northeastern North Carolina.
In New South Wales, Australia prison officials allegedly thwarted a drone drug drop at Cessnock jail. The contraband has an estimated value of AU$100,000.
Flytrex is testing deliveries by drone in North Dakota and North Carolina and if you thought that drone deliveries were still off in the distant future. Well, then you haven’t spoken yet with Yariv Bash, Co-Founder, and CEO of Flytrex,…
In Christiansburg, VA, the only way to get toilet paper was by Wing drone during the coronavirus pandemic, says Kelly Passek. After signing up in October of last year, Passek has had her shopping delivered weekly by an unmanned aircraft…
Drone Deuce‘s deliveries by drone from a Buffalo Wild Wings store in Mobile, AL might start as soon as next month. It would represent a massive leap forward for the drone startup that aims to help local brick-and-mortar stores to…
The Matternet M2 drone will be used by UPS Flight Forward (UPSFF) in a new hospital delivery network at Wake Forest Baptist Health in North Carolina. The new service will carry patient-specific time- and temperature-sensitive medicines and PPE for medical…